Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Travelogue: Follow the Yellow Brick Road Outdoor Exhibit, the Beloved Story of the Wizard of Oz

Hello and welcome! Tired of "staying-in", we broke out and took a drive with my daughter, Sara and family, on Memorial Day which turned out to be my birthday this year. So we had two great reasons to head out to Holland, Michigan, about one hour from our home.
Lighthouse at Holland

Sara wanted to see the famous tulips albeit late in the season. Ben wanted to look at Jeeps. Read no further if you are looking forward to a tour of the car dealerships featuring Jeeps. 

The characters in the Wizard of Oz along the yellow brick road in front of the Herrick Library.

Why would the city of Holland feature the beloved story, The Wizard of Oz, in their downtown area? Because the author of the book, L. Frank Baum, spent summers along the shores of Lake Macatawa in Holland. I wish I could tell you all about him and how some of the folks in his neighborhood can be seen as the characters in the book! I'll save that for another day because we're here to tour through this amazing exhibit.  It's FREE and Open 24 hours every day.

The 10' x12' open book is made of thousands of annuals a living "floral mosaic. I snapped this photo in September 2017 when we visited. On Memorial Day 2020, the book had not been moved from its winter home in the Holland City greenhouse.

Follow the yellow brick road across the road kitty-corner from this display to the amazing bronze sculptures of the cherished characters in the book. Interaction with the characters is encouraged. In fact, one cannot help but pet the lion, hug the scarecrow and tin man, and adore sweet Dorothy and her darling dog.

Sculptor Nick Christenson and his crew at Brodin Studios have made an outstanding exhibit that will make visitors smile and remember their experiences when reading the Wizard of Oz or seeing the movie based on the book.

I hope you will someday be able to visit when you're in the West Michigan area.
This little host greets you as you walk across the street from the park.

See what I mean? You can't resist the scarecrow!

The perfect word to describe Dorothy is precious. So is her lovable companion. Who can tell me the name of her dog? Leave the name in a comment below and I'll send you a surprise!

Sara and I wanted to climb on the lion, but the hot sun made the bronze sculpture very very hot. I bet little kids wouldn't care. His broad back invites you to sit!

The tin man wins for the best grin.

Now the Fighting Tree was scary, just as in the book. But I ended up laughing.
Sunset over Lake Michigan--Photo taken on the shore of Lake Michigan, one of the best places to view a breathtaking sunset.

Click here for my blog post about more places to visit in Holland, Michigan.

Deadly Undertaking by J.Q. Rose
Cozy mystery
A handsome detective, a shadow man, 
and a murder victim kill Lauren’s plan for a simple life.
Deadly Undertaking is on sale during Smashwords Authors Give Back Event 
through May 31 for $1.20.  
Click here to download it at Smashwords now.

Buy Links: Deadly Undertaking is available at your favorite digital bookseller.

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Thank you for visiting today!!



Melissa said...

Neat place! I bet it was fun to get out. I've been working this whole time (I'm a nurse), and even I'm starting to go stir-crazy.

J.Q. Rose said...

I think you DO need a break. Thank you for your dedication during this crisis.

Marsha said...

What a fun place to go, J. Q. We stumbled onto a Wizard of Oz exhibit at a museum in Maine on one of our trips. It was very cool. And the pups name was Toto. Sounds like a great way to celebrate your birthday.

Tricia McGill said...

Looks like a wonderful place to visit, and a fun day out. Dorothy's dog was Toto and I loved him most of all. Sorry I cannot visit as I am far away, so thank you for giving me the chance to see it.

Helena Fairfax said...

Looks a lovely place for a day out. Thanks for sharing the photos!

J.Q. Rose said...

I wonder if the author is connected to Maine. It would be interesting to check that out. Thanks.

J.Q. Rose said...

Glad you can virtually visit the exhibit. The sculptor created a darling Toto.

J.Q. Rose said...

The weather was perfect as well. Glad you could join us via the Internet!!

Steven Arellano Rose Jr. said...

That Wizard of Oz exhibit looks really neat! It's kind of like a little Disneyland with all the statues. Oz has got to be my favorite modern day fairy tale! I've loved it since I was a little kid.

The name of Dorothy's dog is Toto.

I'm glad you got out for a while with your family!

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

What a lovely way to spend your birthday. The photographs look marvellous. I'd love to go for a drive. We're still closed down, probably for another month. Take care, Janet.

GameBx2020 said...
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Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Hi JQ! I sent you an email about co-hosting the IWSG this week but it bounced. Your range is #2-78. (Only three of you this time.) Thanks!

Connie Vines said...

Great post! Enjoyed the photos, too. The Wizard of Oz is a timeless classic. It’s nice to learn of this tribute!

J.Q. Rose said...

I like your comparison to a "little Disneyland." You're right. Thank you for stopping by.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hopefully you'll be re-opening soon. Michigan is starting this month to relax the rules. Finally!! Still masks and social distancing though. I wonder if that will be the norm from now on.

J.Q. Rose said...

Oops, I wonder why it bounced! Okay. I'll email you to let you know I got the message here. Thanks.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, Connie. I'm inspired to re-read this classic now.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks to Tricia, Steven and Marsha for getting Dorothy's dog's name correct. A "surprise" will be awarded to them for participating in the "game."Did I miss anyone? Let me know.

Unknown said...

Thank you because you have been willing to share information with us. we will always appreciate all you have done here because I know you are very concerned with our. lost ways 3

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