Hello and Welcome to the Focused on Story Blog AND the Insecure Writers Support Group Blog Hop
Always on the first Wednesday of the month.
What is the Insecure Writer's Support Group?
Founded by author Alex J. Cavanaugh, the Insecure Writer’s Support Group offers support for writers and authors alike. It provides an online database, articles and tips, a monthly blog posting, a Facebook and Instagram group, Twitter, and a monthly newsletter. To find out more, click this link: Insecure Writer’s Support Group
The purpose of the group is
* to share and encourage.
* Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak.
* Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance.
*It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!
You're invited to become a member of this supportive group. Click here to sign-up to join.
Thank you to our awesome co-hosts for the July1 posting of the IWSG-- Jenni Enzor, Beth Camp, Liesbet @ Roaming About, Tyrean Martinson, and Sandra Cox!
July 1 question - There have been many industry changes in the last decade, so what are some changes you would like to see happen in the next decade?I would like to see more players than just amazon in the book distributing game. They need more competition. Yes, there are other distributors and I use them, but I understand amazon sells 80% of the ebook market.
The US Ebook Market
According to the Publish/Drive blog--"With indie books (published without ISBNs), the Amazon market share accounts for 83% of US ebook purchases. The rest is almost entirely shared between Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and Google Play Books."
The article has many facts about indie publishing and publishing globally. Click Publish/Drive blog to read the entire article.
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Happy 4th of July from J.Q. Rose!! |
Interesting. Looking at my book sales, I've found that Amazon only accounts for about 45% of my ebook sales. But that's probably due to the fact that I'm outside of the US or some other algorithm :-)
Ronel visiting for IWSG day A Decade of Writing
Amazon has taken over the Ebook market and I often wonder why. Is it because they make it easier to use for authors. I don't know but it is something I need to think about.
Have a good month of July.
Shalom aleichem,
Pat G
I agree with you. I buy from Apple Books mostly because it's the most accessible on my iPhone and because Amazon here only accepts credit cards. It's still sad that Amazon offers far more books than its competitors.
It may not be that they need more competition, but that what's already out there (there already are several book distributors) need to level up, step up, and change to attract more readers and authors.
Thanks for co-hosting!
I should probably look to expand where I distribute my book, because I know a lot of people are leery about Amazon. It's just the most familiar to me.
Good observations. My sci-fi rom books do better on Kobo than Amazon, but Amazon is still my best source of income.Wish it was different, but then "if wishes were horses, we all would ride." (Where did that come from? LOL) Have a great month.
It seems you're not alone in wishing for more competition in the book publishing business. And I'm with you on this, too!
It is so hard to get away from them. I had one victory today. Needed large bandaids (excision for Basil cell--the old person stuff). Walmart had them at a great price but not next day delivery. Amazon surely could get them to me quicker! There's was 4x the cost and a month out. I know--it's because of COVID--but I did a silent happy dance for Walmart.
It will be really interesting to see what the publishing industry is like in ten years, JQ. I would never have thought 10 years ago that I'd read most of my books on an ereader - or that Amazon would give me a platform to sell my own.
Hey, JQ. Yes, a really good question. Easy to blame Amazon, but it's the people buying, too. Amazon has just made it so much easier, though B & N has improved. I don't know who does KOBO. I have friends who do iTunes, but I don't. So yeah, I'm a part of the problem.
I do have readers who only want a print book, so I offer those. Haven't gotten on the audio bandwagon, but I know that's a group out there, too.
I'm with Helena. I'd never haver guessed 10 years ago I'd do all my reading in an e-format. But then I was heard back then to say, "I'll never do Facebook." LOL Times they do change.
Thank you for talking about the big elephant in the room -- Amazon. I made the mistake of publishing two books at the same time in May, one a selection of poetry (lesson learned: Make sure I have a copyright on my blog to protect my writing), and second, an art crimes mystery I had spent 3 years writing. With this book, I experimented by using D2D for the ebook and the elephant for the paperback. The elephant said I had given my copyright away to Draft2Digital, and that required a letter from D2D confirming they are only a distributor and in no way have any ownership of my works. Bottom line, it took literally two months to resolve both books' issues with many e-mails back and forth. My stomach suffered with each e-mail. Please keep in mind that the elephant wants to be number one, and that any change will be slow in coming, though D2D is developing the ability to publish/distribute paperbacks as well. PS I'm also with Marsha. Ten years ago, reading on an e-book was unthinkable. Now, I carry hundreds of books with me wherever I go. Thank you for posting an informative article!
Yes, that is a great suggestion. Amazon should not be the only opportunity for authors to sell books and ebooks. Have a great holiday!
Thanks, Ronel. That is interesting.
Pat, yes, it is easy for authors to use, good customer service, payment every month, and it is a powerhouse drawing in so many eyes on every page whether for books or medicine or appliances or just about anything you want to shop for. Some smart cookies and creatives running amazon
Thanks, Astrid.
Chrys, I wonder too why the others are not more aggressive. Aggressive certainly describes the way amazon does business.
Hi Debra, amazon has a huge following. I agree. It is comfortable and their KDP select keeps folks publishing on amazon. But I have found I am making sales on other sites when I use Draft2Digital distribution.
Diane, thanks for that info. Maybe more sci-fi rom readers in Canada??? I dunno.
Thanks, Lee
High 5 for Walmart!!
Helena, 10 years from now, there may only be videos created by AI. sigh
LOL Marsha. Never say never--That saying is an oldie but a goodie.
Beth, thanks for sharing your experience. I ran into that when uploading to D2D. I guess we need to upload our books to amazon and not offer it for distribution on D2D.
Thanks, Natalie. I fear amazon will become a monopoly if we, as authors and readers, don't use other sites.
Thanks to everyone for your comments. I had complications with an eye surgery this week, so I will have to visit you all when I can spend more time on the screen.
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