Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Go, Go, Grammarly for Editing Your Writing, #AuthorToolboxBlogHop



Hello and welcome to the Focused on Story Blog and to the Author Toolbox Blog Hop #AuthorToolboxBlogHop which meets every third Wednesday of the month to 
share resources and tips for authors. Thanks to Raimey Gallant for hosting this venture. 
Please join us to learn more about the craft of writing and to meet bloggers who are dedicated to helping each other become the best writers possible. Click here to visit other blog hop participants.

Go, Go, Grammarly for Editing Your Writing by J.Q. Rose

One of my most favorite tools I keep in my Author Toolbox is Grammarly, an online spelling and grammar checker. I only use the free version, but the program always tells me how many advanced issues I am missing because I am not a premium member. So I have been considering joining the premium program since I am editing a nonfiction book for girls, Girls Succeed! Stories Behind the Careers of Successful Women and my memoir, Arranging a Dream.

Grammarly does a fine job of finding typos, misspelled words and punctuation errors. That's what I really need, but the premium program can help find awkward sentences, a wrong word by reading the context of the sentence e.g. there or they're and I bet dangling participles too--whatever that is! I imagine many writerly concerns such as tautology can be pointed out by the AI bot. 

When I am tired and I have read a chapter over and over and over, I can get into Grammarly and it will underline even more words that I missed. I feel more at ease about the editing after using this inhuman tool.

I am looking into more free tools for grammar checking, such as Pro-Writing Aid, and will report on them for you next month.

Below is part of the weekly writing update from Grammarly. (Ha, I find it interesting that the program underlined grammarly as an error when that is its logo spelling without the capital G!) I like the Tone section of the report especially when I'm writing a book for 10-13-year-old girls. I don't want it to be formal sounding.

Take a peek to learn about grammarly besides just the grammar corrections.

Your Weekly Writing Update
Check out the big vocabulary on you! You used more unique words than 92% of Grammarly users. Keep it up!
44 weeks
Next Achievement
See all achievements 
You were more productive than
92% of Grammarly users.
words checked
AUG 2330SEP 0613
You were more accurate than
55% of Grammarly users.
alerts shown
AUG 2330SEP 0613
You used more unique words than
92% of Grammarly users.
unique words used
AUG 2330SEP 0613
Some of the tones that were detected in your writing last week:

What is your process for proofreading your writing? Please leave a comment below.
 Thanks so much for stopping in. I hope you'll visit more bloggers and pick up tips and inspiration along the hop. 
Click here to visit blog hop participants.

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Thank you!!

September issue of the Rose Courier


Natalie Aguirre said...

That's good to know that you like Grammarly so much. I've heard good things about them. I'll have to check out the free version.

J.Q. Rose said...

Yes, try it out for FREE! Thanx for stopping by.

Helena Fairfax said...

I love how Grammarly detects the tone of your writing. I didn't realise it could do that! And I love how it's identified your uplifting feel. I'm looking for a program that will write all my books for me so I don't have to. Maybe in the future! :)

J.Q. Rose said...

Yes, I believe AI is going to take over writing books in the future, Helena. And it's not too far away!

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

It's true, we authors need all the help we can get.

Marsha said...

Hey, JQ. Thanks for update on Grammarly. I will try that for my next book. My grammar check on my computer is really good, and editors I've used have been pretty good, but still when I read over small bits I see changes that need to be made. The tone thing is interesting maybe more for non-fiction than fiction. What do you think about that? Think I'll try Grammarly before I send the next book (not yet begun!) to my Beta Readers. I'll share. :)

Jimmy Kindree said...

I find the tone function in the Grammarly email you posted super interesting. I'm really curious about how that works. Do you find that Grammarly gives advice that helps you in your subsequent writing, like style considerations, for instance?

MandyB said...

I use the Word spell check and proofreaders for manuscripts prior to submitting to my publisher. The Grammerly has some useful options though. Thanks for sharing.

Raimey Gallant said...

I hear good things about Grammarly. I mainly rely on Word's built-in checks. I also generally have a dictionary and thesaurus open on my desktop so I can quickly go and check the spelling of a word. I think I need their commercials to show me how it works for something more conversational than an email. Their ads haven't proved to me they're worth using, but so many people have good things to say, so I have a feeling I'm just not really understanding how useful it can be.

Marlena Frank said...

This was really insightful! I looked into Grammarly as an option, but ended up going with ProWritingAid which has really helped me in my novel editing. I'm more focused on fiction writing, and it can tell things like reading level for a manuscript. I use the paid version, but I've really enjoyed it since I started using it a few months back. It's still great to see what Grammarly has to offer though! I'm never dedicated to a product like that, so it's always interesting to see what alternative options exist. Thank you for sharing this!

J.Q. Rose said...

Yes we do!!

J.Q. Rose said...

I never thought about it being more for nonfiction. It picks outs errors no matter what. Yes, give it a try. It's free unless you want to upgrade to premium. Thanks for sharing.

J.Q. Rose said...

It doesn't give advice, anyway in this free ve Irsion. But it makes me aware of errors that I make often and try to learn from that.

J.Q. Rose said...

I use the Word spell check too. It would be interesting to check which one, if any, does a better job finding the errors.

J.Q. Rose said...

Raimey, download it for free and play with it for a few weeks. Sometimes the red lines are annoying when you're trying to get through a post or chapter. I'm learning to ignore them. But why red??? As bad as your 6th grade teacher marking up your writing with a red ink pen!

J.Q. Rose said...

I am thinking of trying ProWritingAid too. It has a different kind of checking your writing, I think. There are a LOT of writing aids. I'll share them next month.

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