Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Welcome Back to School, Eyewitness to History, Update on Girls Succeed! eBook

Hello and Welcome to the Focused on Story Blog!

Welcome, September and Back-to-School!

J.Q. Rose 

Are your kids back in school? Did you buy the usual school supplies even if the kids were staying home for school? How about new school clothes, a backpack, shoes? The kids will not stop growing, so I'm sure you had to purchase some additions to their wardrobe. 

Are your students online, in-class or a hybrid of both? (I love that word hybrid to explain the combination of the schedule for attending school and online learning in one word.)  

There is disagreement among parents, teachers, administrators on such an important decision because of the impact on the students' physical and mental health and learning. Even the politicians are not in agreement if school should begin. Wait, when do politicians ever agree on anything? 

Never Stop Learning
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

Are your children excited about going back to school? As adults, we forget about that thrill of starting a new school year. Remember? Everything is new--teachers, friends, the schedule, lunchtime. Maybe even a new school. 

For homeschoolers, I'm sure Mom and Dad have figured out some new projects, field trips and fun ideas to make for days of learning without the kids realizing it!

With all the discord. All the uncertainty. Let's not forget the kids. My sixth-grade granddaughter looked forward to seeing her friends again. She likes having just eight kids in her class. My high school sophomore grandson talks about mask breaks which have become a natural part of his day. 

We laughed hysterically when he told us about the "masks" used during indoor marching band practice. Yes, each instrument has a mask--a long pillow case-like mask to cover the clarinets, the mask that fits over his face with a little flap for the mouthpiece and a mask on the bell of his trumpet. Monster-size ones for the tubas. The covering has to stop any air that comes out of the instrument to allow the virus, if any, to be released in the room. When marching outdoors, the masks are not necessary with social distancing or in this case social-distance marching??

 The band teacher is teaching new formations on the football field to entertain no crowds in the stands. Marching band festivals have been canceled, but it seems some of the schools will be playing a few football games on their schedule. Two parents will be allowed in the stadium for each player. Cheerleaders? I don't know yet, but yes the announcer will be there because the games will be captured on video. 

Our children will have stories to tell their grandchildren about 2020 and the COVID-19 crisis. What kind of stories will they share? Are you recording what is happening to you during this crisis? Your feelings? The compromises you have had to make? Future generations will want to know.

Your Words, Your Life Story:
A Journal for Sharing Memories

Yes, I am a life storytelling teacher. The pandemic we are experiencing in our lives will be in the history books and we are all eyewitnesses. Try to take some notes about this life-changing time.

I know it seems the whole world is falling apart at this moment. But I also know good comes from bad. "The worst thing is never the last thing." Let's look for the good for us and for our children.

Be safe. Be positive. Be grateful.


It's Back to School Time and I am revising, updating and adding content to my eBook for 9-12 year-old-girls, Girls Succeed! Stories Behind the Careers of Successful Women. 

Back to School
Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

I am excited to offer this interactive ebook during this time when teachers and children are online for school work and they will have easy access to the book. The ebook includes a Study Guide too.

When I first published the ebook in 2012, most people had no idea what an ebook was. So at book signings, I was teaching readers about ebooks and how to order them from amazon and online booksellers. I'm afraid it was too mind-boggling for most folks.

At that first publishing, the links were not active in ebooks. Eventually, the technology caught up with me, and I was able to show these careers and amazing role models through videos and websites. For instance, one of the careers in the book is about a horse trainer, so I have the link to a horse show. The girls can see the horse and rider performing with grace and beauty during their dressage presentation.

The Vice President of  Horticulture for Longwood Gardens can show off those amazing display gardens through video. I also share resources about each woman's career using books and magazines.

Reconnecting with these women to update their interviews was a joy. You can imagine that they have gone on with their success and, they had a lot to share with me.

The new edition will be available at the end of September. You can bet I will share the new book cover and release date here with you. I am so excited to have the opportunity to inspire girls to make their dream careers come true.


The September edition of the Rose Courier will be in your inbox next week!
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Marsha said...

Hey J. Q. What a great post. I'm impressed with the band director figuring out ways to cover up the instruments. Now that is ingenious. And isn't that what comes from challenges? New innovative ideas. Love the positivity in this post. I shared.:)

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

You so rock-on, Janet! I remember during the Vietnam War, it occured to me that I was participating in a history that we'd be studying for decades to come. Probaby because it was my generation, and the first real thing to happen. But this pandemic is exactly that. We will overcome all these diversities. Of course, we will. History teaches us that.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, Marsha. You are so correct about innovative ideas developing during this challenging crisis. "Necessity is the mother of invention." Thanks for sharing!

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you for your uplifting message. We will overcome this difficult time. Thank you, Joylene.

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