Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Author Toolbox Blog Hop: Soundcloud to Record Your Blog, #AuthorToolboxBlogHop



Hello and welcome to the Focused on Story Blog and to the Author Toolbox Blog Hop #AuthorToolboxBlogHop which meets every third Wednesday of the month to 
share resources and tips for authors. Thanks to Raimey Gallant for hosting this venture. 
Please join us to learn more about the craft of writing and to meet bloggers who are dedicated to helping each other become the best writers possible. Click here to visit other blog hop participants.

Use Soundcloud to Record Your Blog Posts

All the blogging experts agree video is the "in" thing to have on your blog to keep viewers on your page. Podcasts are certainly popular too. Part of the reason is people need a break from screen time. Another reason is a lot of time is spent waiting for the kids while they practice soccer, football, sports. How about those long lines waiting to vote??? Don't forget all the lengthy times you have been in the doctor/dentist's office and twiddled your thumbs while stuck in traffic. Entertaining podcasts make the time pass more quickly while waiting.

Today you can add a tool to your toolbox for recording your blog and sharing it. You don't even have to be a podcaster to do it. This may help garner more eyes (or ears in this case) on your blog posts. (Podcasters use this tool too.)

I experimented using Soundcloud to record my blog. The blog is written on the page with photos and links as usual, but before the actual post, I share a link to the recorded blog post for those who prefer to listen to it perhaps due to sight problems or, again, they are waiting in their car for their kids, etc.

Click the link below to listen to a recording of one of my blogs.

Pink Flamingo Day Blog Post Recording

Flamingos on the first book cover of Sunshine Boulevard, a novella

The recording is about a rarely celebrated holiday, Pink Flamingo Day. You'll discover how it came about and why I love flamingos in this 3-minute recording made with Soundcloud.

Click here to listen. 

Check out Youtube for several videos on how to make your recordings. You can also use these in emails, newsletters and social media. There is a learning curve, but it's worth it especially if you don't want to appear on camera. 

Click here to check out this video about how to record using Soundcloud.

Conclusion: I did several recordings of my blog posts with spotty results. One received 25 views, while others only 3 or less! It's all about content, just like everything else. If you have the content and keywords to make readers aware of your blog, then you will have success.

I confess recording is time-consuming. I have not used Soundcloud for a few years, yes, years, but after writing this post, I am inspired to try it again....once I get a couple of projects out of the way.
Terror on Sunshine Boulevard

Rescuing a naked woman lying in a geranium bed?
Investigating mysterious murders?
These are not the usual calls in a Florida retirement community for volunteer first responder Jim Hart.

NO alligators! (Listen to the recording to find out about this comment. LOL)

BWL Publishing released Sunshine Boulevard, but it was a revised and expanded edition. Cover artist Michele Lee came up with a book cover that portrays the terror and mystery in the new novel, Terror on  Sunshine Boulevard, a scary read for Halloween.

Click here
to download this scary read, perfect for this month, at your favorite digital bookseller.

Do you listen to podcasts? Want to share your favorites? Do you record your blog or have you ever thought of doing so? Please leave a comment. I look forward to reading your answers.

Thanks for visiting.  Click here to visit other blog hop participants.


Natalie Aguirre said...

I've never thought to record my blog post. But I agree that it could be a way to reach more readers. I do listen to some craft of writing podcasts, like K.M. Weiland and others for agent interviews, like Middle Grade Ninja, Manuscript Academy, and 88 Cups of Tea.

Ronel Janse van Vuuren said...

This is an interesting concept. Thanks for sharing!

Ronel visiting on Author Toolbox day Writing Story: A Case Study

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks for sharing the podcasts. I'll check them out.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, Ronel. I appreciate you stopping by.

Helena Fairfax said...

That's a really interesting idea, JQ. Thanks for sharing. All these things take so much time, but it's worth looking into!

Jimmy Kindree said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jimmy Kindree said...

I tried posting a comment before, but it said there was an error--my apologies if you end up with two comments from me!

I love this idea--it's something I haven't thought of before, but it sounds like a great way to bring in multimedia and, as you say, engage audiences differently in our busy world. I'd like to give this a try. Thank you for sharing!

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

I do listen to podcasts, have been featured in a few, but don't do them myself. I am pushing back at yet another method of offering my content! I'm a little tired.

I'm not in Author Toolbox anymore but still hope to visit with you on a regular basis!

JJ Burry said...

I record so much in the classroom, but I never thought about recording my blog posts. Thanks for this great idea!

Louise said...

Amazing idea, I'm not comfortable with appearing on camera but I'd never thought of using voice only :)

pavzi said...

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