Wednesday, December 30, 2020

2020 High Points, eBook Sale


Happy New Year 2021 from J.Q. Rose!

Hello and welcome to the last post in 2020. And aren't we all glad to see 2020 in the rearview mirror. (I didn't come up with that but some clever person on Facebook did.) That is exactly how I feel.

Although I must admit, 2020 had some high points. My husband, Ted, and I celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary. Not exactly the party we had planned, but in a way, better. We only had family, so it wasn't a huge crowd, and a cook out, no fancy-schmansy get-together to worry about putting together. We played yard games and visited on the back deck and ate and ate and ate. Our daughter, Sara, and her hubby celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary with us, so we had 2 cakes. 

Our wedding, June 1970

The other high point was the completion and release of my "heart-work," Arranging a Dream: A Memoir. Originally scheduled for a June release, my publisher, Jude, realized how the COVID pandemic interrupted our lives and scattered our brains. She told authors with releases in 2020 that if they needed time to re-schedule to a later date, she would do that. So the launch date was changed to January 1, 2021. That fun day is coming up this Friday. Can you believe it?? With the pre-order available nowadays, you can order the eBook at the special pre-order price of $2.99, good through December 31, 2020. The paperback is available now and readers are already sending me their reviews. That is another high point. 

You can download the eBook from your favorite online bookseller.

Another high point this year is meeting you and having you as a supporter of my books.

 Thank you so much for being here with me on this blog and newsletter. 

You are special to me.

Looking forward to more good times and great reading and writing in 2021.

Join me during the Virtual Book Tour for Q&As, articles, features and give-aways. 
An eCopy of Arranging a Dream will be awarded to a lucky commenter 
at many of the stops along the way.

GOOD NEWS! 50% OFF Year End Sale from BWL Publishing, my fiction publisher. 
50% off Books released by Books We Love Publishing at Smashwords till the end of the year. Now's 
the time to pack that new reading device with incredible ebooks including my cozy fiction and thriller books. 
Click here to download my romantic suspense and thriller novels now for only $1.49 each!

Mysteries on Sale Now at Smashwords!


Steven Arellano Rose Jr. said...

Happy Late Anniversary to you two! Also, Happy New Year and good luck with your memoir! As I always say, even a bad year has some good points.

Marsha said...

Hey, JQ. Good to remember we did experience a few good things during this dreadful year. Here's to better health for all of us in 2021. I know your memoir is going to be a smash hit. It's such a good read. :)

Christine said...

Congrats on your wedding anniversary!

I had left you a review on Goodreads for 'Arranging a Dream' under my email Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Helena Fairfax said...

Belated congratulations on your anniversary, and congratulations on your new release. It downloaded on my Kindle today. A great start to 2021!

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, Steven, for the belated good wishes.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, Marsha. Appreciate your wonderful comment on the book. Stay safe and be well in this new year!

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks, Christine. And thank you for the review! So happy you enjoyed the book.

J.Q. Rose said...

Woot woot. Isn't that amazing how the book magically appears in your kindle on release day? Love that! Thank you for purchasing and for the congratulations.

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