Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Tools and Tidbits for Writers: Engage Your Readers Using Tips on Showing, Not Telling Your Story #toolsandtidbitsforwriters #shownotell


Tools and Tidbits for Writers
by JQ Rose

The Emotion Thesaurus: A Writer's Guide to Character Expression (Second Edition) (Writers Helping Writers Series) Paperback
The Emotion Thesaurus: A Writer's Guide to Character Expression
Available at your Favorite Bookseller

Tips on Showing Your Characters, Not Just Telling About Them

If you are a writer, you don't want to start editing a scene and discover it reads like a second-grader wrote it. To draw readers into the story use imaginative imagery. Include characters who come to life for the reader. Your words convey the emotion and action so well a reader becomes wrapped up in the story.

I have a tip today to help you find the right words to develop a full character.

My go-to book for developing scenes and characters is The Emotion Thesaurus: A Writers Guide to Characters Expression. 

According to the description, the purpose of The Emotion Thesaurus, "in its easy-to-navigate list format, will inspire you to create stronger, fresher character expressions and engage readers from your first page to your last."

The table of contents is easy to use to find the emotion you need to portray. You'll appreciate it when looking through the 130 emotions listed to discover the one you need. Here are examples of the emotions that are covered in the book--Fear, Frustration, Happiness, Impatience, Nostalgia, Pride and more.

In the listings for each emotion, you will find ideas to keep your writing fresh.

  • physical signals
  • internal sensations
  • mental responses
  • cues of acute or long-term (emotion)
The authors do not suggest you copy the information word for word, but rather to allow their suggestions to inspire you to show, not tell the story.

May I suggest The Emotion Thesaurus as the perfect gift for an aspiring or veteran writer? Since writing this book, the authors have extended the thesaurus idea into a series for other topics in writing like character flaws, character attributes, psychological trauma and more.

Do you use this book or any of the books in the series? Please leave a comment below. 

If you purchase the book using the link below, I will gain a few pennies from the sale. Plus you can check out the entire list of books in the series. Thank you.

While you are in the gift buying mood, why not purchase an eBook that will help you with your writing? Yes, it's okay to buy yourself a gift and not feel guilty about it! 

Romance and Mystery Authors on Writing: Tips on the Writing Process, Publishing and Marketing
Compiled by J. Q. Rose

Romance and Mystery Authors On Writing--a Gift to Yourself 

Fifteen romance and mystery authors offer writing tips they have gleaned from their experiences as “on-the-job” writers. The tips in the eBook are organized into the main topics of writing, publishing and marketing. The authors share 

🛠 “light bulb moments” in their writing journey, 

🛠 questions they are asked most often (and their answers)

🛠 the most helpful advice on writing they have received. 

The goal of sharing this information is to smooth and straighten the rocky and twisting journey for writers along the path to enjoy a rewarding career in writing.

Best wishes to you for success in your writing career.

Authors who have graciously contributed to this project are:

Conda Douglas, C. Hope Clark, Gail Roughton, Heather Fraser Brainerd, Heather Haven, Helena Fairfax, J.Q. Rose, Joan Curtis, Joselyn Vaughn, Kathy MacIntosh, Marsha West, Melissa Maygrove, Miss Mae, Roseanne Dowell, Sara-Jayne Townsend.

Thank you, inspiring authors, for sharing your knowledge!

Click here to download this jam-packed-with-helpful-information eBook now for 99 cents!


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Natalie Aguirre said...

I go to the Emotional Thesaurus a lot too. I agree it'd be a great gift.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Natalie, thanks for affirming this is a great book and a perfect gift. Happy Holidays!

Marsha said...

Hey, J Q. I love the Emotions Thesaurus. Very handy. And the Tips book is also useful. It was super how you pulled that all together. I've shared. :)

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

So true. TET is a great little book.

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