Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Celebrating Our Wedding Anniversary and the Secrets for a Long-Lasting Marriage


Celebrating Our Anniversary!

Hello and welcome to the Focused on Story Blog with J.Q. Rose!

Yes, we are celebrating 52 years of marriage on June 14! Whew. But we're not having much of a celebration. Both of our daughters are on separate vacations this week with their families. During the day, I am helping serve a luncheon for retired teachers and that evening I have to be at the library to serve refreshments for a speaker's presentation on shipwrecks in the Great Lakes. So romantic, do you agree??

52 years ago

Fifty-two years is a long marriage. Funny how fast life has gone since the day we decided to get married. We met on a blind date in 1963, the summer before our junior year in high school. 

My mom loved him from the moment she pulled back the curtain from the window and peeked out at the young man who was stepping up the stairs to our front porch. She turned back to me, her eyes twinkling, and whispered, "He's cute!"

I opened the front door, smiling as bright as I could while trying to keep the butterflies in my tummy in check. He stood tall and fidgeted a bit as his dark brown eyes caught mine. I had to agree with Mom. He was a cutie.

We had a great time at the Illinois State Fair with his older sister and her date and Freddie, who arranged the blind date, and his girlfriend. However, his sister's 1947 Chevy broke down in Springfield, IL as we started the hour's drive back to Atlanta, my hometown. Instead of getting home by midnight as my parents requested, we arrived at 3 a.m. Yes, we did find a phone to call home to let everyone know we were going to be late.

We went steady through our junior year, broke up, got back together, broke up after graduation so he could go to the Air Force, and I could experience college life. We got back together, broke up, and so it goes. Can you blame me when I told him to either marry me or get out of my life? By that time, I was teaching third grade in Galesburg, IL. We were parked in a grassy area near the lake and in a deeply serious discussion about our future together when we heard branches rustling and voices in the bushes just behind the car. We twisted around to look through the car's back window to discover where the noise came from. As we swept our eyes over the green area, two little boys raced out of the woods and down the road. We laughed so hard at them eavesdropping on us that the intense discussion faded from our thoughts. We knew we loved each other and wanted to spend our lives together.

Since that big realization and decision to marry, we have been on many adventures together! I think we were mature enough to make a lifetime commitment to each other. No, it has not been all rainbows and lollipops for fifty-two years. Marriage is a lot of work and a lot of compromise.

Fun together

I wrote about one of the turning points/adventures in our lives--the purchase of a flower shop and greenhouse operation in Fremont, Michigan. We had disagreements and sorrow. But we had joy and happiness too. Through it all, we supported each other and actually grew closer, becoming a strong team to meet any problem and conquer it.

Our grandson is getting married in June 2023. If he ever asks what is the secret to having a long-lasting marriage, I would first tell him to love each other and respect each other.    Communicate with her and listen to each other. (I must admit even after all this time, we still have breakdowns in communication.) When you commit to each other during the wedding ceremony, always keep in mind that commitment to be true to each other.

June is the month for brides. Are you a June bride? What advice would you give to a young couple about marriage?

Thank you for stopping in today and celebrating with me! I appreciate your support!

Arranging a Dream--the eBook
is available from all major online booksellers.
The paperback and hardcover books are available at amazon
and bn.com

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Susan Bernhardt said...

What a great love story!! You guys are perfect for each other! <3 And what an exciting life you have led and you lead. Happy Anniversary, Janet and Ted!!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Happy anniversary! Funny how you were together and then not. But now fifty-two years - well done.

Roseanne Dowell said...

What a great story, I also met my husband on a blind date. My cousin and her boyfriend set us up. After almost 60 years of marriage (come Nov 24th) I think my advice, besides communication (one of the most important thing I think) is to have a sense of humor, the second is, Marriage is not 50/50 Marriage is 100/100. You both have to be ready to give 100 percent. Put the other person first. And the most important, in my opinion, is to have God in your life.

cleemckenzie said...

Sweet, J.Q. Loved the pictures of through the years! Happy Anniversary.

Helena Fairfax said...

Wishing you both a very happy anniversary, JQ. I loved your story about the two boys eavesdropping. The perfect moment to break the tension. It was such a pleasure meeting you both on your trip to England. Here's to many more happy years together!

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks, Susan!

J.Q. Rose said...

LOL--I think we were longer apart than together during our "dating times." Thank you.

J.Q. Rose said...

I agree with you on all points. 60 years--what a milestone.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you. Great memories.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you. I think it was about this time a few years ago when we were in your neighborhood. You were a great travel guide!

Marsha said...

Hey, JQ. Better late than never to use a cliché. :) Happy Anniversary and thanks for sharing your story. My goodness that was a lot of breakups and getting back togethers. Would make a good romance book. LOL Lots of goods and bads along the way, but unless one person is abusing the other, you just have to stick it out. Communication is dreadfully hard for us still after 51 years. LOL What a blessing he's put up with me. :) I've shared.

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