Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Recipes 'n Reads with Mystery Author Diane Bator and UPDATE on JQ Rose #recipenreads #recipes #mystery

Hello and Welcome to the Focused on Story Blog! This is my "home" on the web. 

Recipes 'n Reads Series
Guest author Diane Bator

I am so happy to have you stop by for a visit with my friend and prolific mystery author, Diane Bator. Diane is my guest this month on the Recipes 'n Reads series, scheduled every third Wednesday of the month. She has two recipes to refresh you during this heat wave and the first book in her AJ Cadell Mystery series.

After Diane's Recipes and book introduction, please read on for an UPDATE from me. Thank you.


Welcome, Diane! Please tell us why you chose to share this recipe.

Thank you, Janet, for hosting me this month.

Written in Stone
Diane Bator
The recipe is from a book that I published in 2021 that isn’t in print right now. Doesn’t help, right? Don’t worry, I have a book that’s currently available but doesn’t have a recipe (Book 2, coming in 2025 will!) The short version of the story is that I was with a publisher for ten years and left them in January 2024. I’m slowly re-editing all 15 books to relaunch, but it’s taking time!

 This recipe is from a book, Dead Without Remorse, in my Gilda Wright Mystery series. Gilda and her best friend, Marion, have an afternoon off work and choose to spend it in Marion’s backyard drinking Lemonade Margaritas and gossiping about people they know. Harmless until Kane Garrick shows up. If you’ve read the series, you’ll know he’s the hottie who showed up in Book 2, Dead Without Glory, and keeps trying to steal Gilda away from her boyfriend/boss Mick Williams.


The Recipe – perfect for hot summer days with friends!!

Lemonade Margaritas

2 oz Tequila

1/2 oz Triple Sec

1 oz Lemonade



Mix tequila, lemonade, and Triple Sec in shaker with ice.

Wet the rim of a cocktail glass with water then dust it with sugar.

Serve over ice.

Sit in the sunshine and enjoy!


My newest book is self-published under Escape With a Writer Publishing and will continue with two more books to come. AJ (Alison Jane) Cadell is a romance novelist who gets thrust into a family mystery when she accepts an opportunity to become a Writer-in-Residence on Vancouver Island one November. Mystery, suspense, and a bit of romance fill the pages and – since we’re talking recipes – Alison’s roommate, Emily, is a food blogger and cook. Since she will appear in more of Book 2, Diamond on the Beach, she’ll have a bigger role in sharing recipes and helping to promote that book since she ends up catering a party for 100 at the last minute!

Here's a sneak peek at one of Emily’s favorite recipes that she’ll be making for the party:

Ginger Bread Cider

8 cups 100% Apple Cider

¼ tsp ginger

¼ tsp nutmeg

½ tsp cinnamon

1/3 cup sugar (or to taste)

dash of cloves

Pour the apple cider in a big pot.

Set heat to medium-low and add sugar and spices.

Let simmer for 20 minutes and serve!

Hope you enjoy the recipes and will check out Written in Stone! Watch for Diamond on the Rocks coming next year!


Thanks for being my guest, Diane!

Readers, please leave a comment below and let us know what your favorite summer beverage is. Thank you.


Written in Stone, Book 1 AJ Cadell mysteries

BACK OF THE BOOK: Written in Stone by Diane Bator

“What happens at Grandma’s house, stays at Grandma’s house.”

 The problem is A. J. (Alison Jane) Cadell can’t remember Grandma or her house.

Dreaming of becoming a best-selling romance novelist, Alison is invited to Cedar Grove, British Columbia to be a Writer-in-Residence and reside at Thistlewood Manor for a month. When a resident of the manor is found dead, Alison is drawn into a mystery involving a grandmother she doesn’t remember, a father she thought was long dead, and a handsome firefighter who could be the link to solving the mystery.

Will someone be after her next?

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Diane Bator is a Canadian mystery writer, book coach, editor, and mom of three. She is the host of the Escape With a Writer bloga member

Author Diane Bator

of Sisters in Crime, Crime Writers of Canada, the Writers’ Union of Canada, and the International Thriller Writers. She is represented by Creative Edge Publicity and is available for interviews through them.


Her website is https://dianebator.ca/

Blog:   https://escapewithawriter.wordpress.com/

Newsletter:  https://dianebator.substack.com/


UPDATE: Because I am online here on the blog, on Facebook, and Substack, I will no longer publish the Rose Courier newsletter. I think all of those places give you enough opportunities to keep you up-to-date with me. And as my mom would say, "I don't want to wear out my welcome." Click the links below to visit me online.

Click here to be notified when a new article is posted on the J.Q. Rose blog.

Click here to follow me on Facebook at J.Q. Rose, Author.

Click here to read my articles every Thursday at Substack.

I am having a wonderful experience sharing articles and meeting many wonderful people at  Substack every Thursday. Since you will no longer receive the Courier, please consider subscribing to my Substack page. You'll find a huge variety of writers' articles within the Substack site. So pop over to JQ's Substack page and explore funny, thought-provoking, informative, and entertaining articles, stories, poems, etc.


Click the links below to check out some of the Substack articles on my page.
Thank you for your consideration.

Celebrating the Summer Solstice at England's Castlerigg Stone Circle


J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks for being my guest on Recipes'n Reads. Looking forward to your next release in 2025!!!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

The cider sounds good.

Sorry you are having to republish all those books but it's a great time to spruce them up!

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Diane, I agree the cider sounds good...I remember moving books to another publisher,just 2, I think. Of course sprucing them up was called for. Turned out to be a bigger project than I had planned. But actually glad to have the opportunity to "fix" them up. Thank you for stopping in.

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