Monday, August 1, 2011

99cents Ebook Contest at Muse It Up Publishing

At Muse It Up Publishing Bookstore

Ever wanted to read an ebook and wished it was only 99cents? Well, here’s your chance to purchase your favorite Muse author’s book for only 99cents. Send an email to:
publisher AT museituppublishing DOT com
and make sure to include the following:
Your name
Your email
Title of ebook you’d love to buy for 99cents  and your name will go into the draw.
Fourteen winners will be drawn to purchase their favorite book for only 99cents.
Contest begins August 1st
Deadline: August 14, 2011
Winnners will be revealed on August 20th

Go NOW to Muse It Up Publishing Bookstore to pick out your book and enter!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my. So many titles to choose from! Which one would I choose? I'll have to check out the bookstore before the 14th. Thanks for the reminder!

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