Are you KIDDING ME? I WON an award?? What??? How amazing. I am so honored to have the Liebster Blog Award bestowed on me from one of my most favorite authors, Roseanne Dowell. Thank you so much. (I think she gave it to me because we share a birthday in May. Yep, we could have been twins, that is, um, if we had the same mom and dad and if we were born in the same year and in the same location.)
So what's the fuss about? Let me explain. The intention of the award is to draw attention to blogs that deserve more.
If you're curious about the name, liebster is German for "favorite" or "dearest."
My instructions, since I gladly accept this award, are:
1. Post this award on your blog.
2. Thank and link to the person who gave it to you.
3. Pass it on to five bloggers who have less than 200 followers. (Yes, I definitely qualify for this...)
4. Comment on those five people's blogs to share the good news.
If you're curious about the name, liebster is German for "favorite" or "dearest."
My instructions, since I gladly accept this award, are:
1. Post this award on your blog.
2. Thank and link to the person who gave it to you.
3. Pass it on to five bloggers who have less than 200 followers. (Yes, I definitely qualify for this...)
4. Comment on those five people's blogs to share the good news.

I hereby present the Liebster Blog Award to the following bloggers:
Joylene Nowell Butler--Joylene reaches out to her readers from cyberspace with a warm welcome and draws them in. It must be those gorgeous photos as well as her writing that keeps us hooked.
W.S. Gager-- For many years, mystery author Wendy has been a cheerleader for my writing and such an inspiration to keep writing. She has an eagle eye when reading a manuscript and thoughtful suggestions for making it better.
Tess Grant--Tess' first YA book will be released this spring from Turquoise Morning Press. She is a true storyteller. Her blog is written as thoughtfully and entertaining as her stories. She also opens her blog to a young writer every Tuesday.
Jane Richardson--Jane and I met when she was a guest author on my blog. It was so much fun dealing with the English language and the American language. Get the one - link - low - down on her blog.
Joselyn Vaughn-- This warm, witty writer blogs about her family life (3 year old twins, 1 year old daughter and husband and dogs. and, you can imagine) and pens sweet romance books that make the reader laugh and cry.
Thank you so much, JQ, for your kind comments and the award. Thanks too for all the laughs your writing brings.
Janet, I didn't just give you the award because we share a birthday. I did it because I consider you a friend and you scared the bejebbers out of me with your book. LOL
Thank you so much, Janet! I am truly honored.
Hi, J.Q! CONGRATS on your award!
How lovely! Congrats to you, and a big thanks from me! I love chatting about our UK and US 'differences,' so to share this with you is just smashing! Thank you. :)
Jane x
Wow, thank you - and congrats to you too! I love chatting about our US and UK 'differences,' so sharing this with you is just smashing! Thanks so much :)
Jane x
Thank you so much, Janice. I love awards. I'm late because I'm clear across the country visiting with my adorable grandson. Thank you for thinking of me. That is so kind.
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