Sunday, November 4, 2012

Time to Celebrate Launch Day

We’re doin’ the happy dance today because this is Launch Day for the new interactive e-book, Girls Succeed: Stories Behind the Careers of Successful Women!

This non-fiction e-book is filled with dreams and passion to inspire, entertain, and empower girls. Fifteen remarkable career women in a variety of occupations share their stories in these pages. Explore careers which include women who have discovered cures to stamp out disease, made people laugh, earned Olympic and Paralympic gold medals, and crossed the country in the cab of an 18 wheeler.

Meet the remarkable women in the pages of Girls Succeed!
In a sense today is the fulfillment of a dream I pursued since 2006 when I first envisioned a book about careers which would inspire girls to dream big and empower them to make that dream come true.

So let’s par-tay!! Peek around all the bouquets of bright flowers and you'll see lots of cyber goodies there on that round table in the corner—chocolate chip cookies, chocolate cake, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate as well as some salty favorites like chips and dip, veggies and dip, pizza! Mmmmmm….the punch bowl is in front of the swan ice sculpture on the table to your left. Enjoy the colorful lights and the music. Hey, let’s turn it up a little louder!

CONTEST: Join me on the book tour November 5-November 17 to learn more about the book and the remarkable women who grace the pages. Leave a comment here and on the stops along the tour to be eligible for the random drawing for prizes--$10. Amazon gift certificate, FREE copy of Girls Succeed ebook in your choice of format, “Succeed” beaded bracelet kit, and inspirational notepads and pens.


$10.00 Amazon Gift Certificate

FREE copy of the e-book in your choice of formats
Succeed beaded bracelet, notepads and pens

A huge thank you to the generous authors who are hosting this event:

5 Barbara Ehrentreu

7 Pat McDermott

9 Marva Dasef

12 Conda Douglas

14 Lisa Haselton

15 I.B. Nosey 

16 Penny Estelle

18 Announce winners

If you would like to download a free sample of the e-book which includes the Table of Contents listing the careers, go to these links:

Amazon Link  
Smashwords Link 

Connect with J.Q. Rose online at:

Girls Succeed blog 
J.Q. Rose blog 
Author website 
J Q Rose Amazon Author Page 

Thanks so much for stopping by today. Help yourself to some refreshments, leave a comment, and visit with us for awhile.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS, JQ, on realizing a dream. : )

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