Monday, February 11, 2013

I Love Books Guest Author: Kim Cresswell

I'm excited to welcome romantic-suspense author Kim Cresswell to the J.Q. Rose blog. Kim is my author friend AND editor friend. She was one of the editors for my soon-to-be-released mystery, Coda to Murder, from MuseItUp Publishing. I will be visiting her blog March 5 to introduce the world to my new mystery/sweet romance.
 You'll love this romantic-suspense novel penned by Kim. Now let me get out of the way so Kim can share her story behind the writing of her latest novel, Reflection, and an excerpt.

REFLECTION:  The Story Behind the Book
I love writing and reading romantic suspense!
Not only does the suspense provide instant tension in a story, I love the push-pull-tug-of-war of romance. Will the hero and heroine get together? Will they overcome the conflict and live happily ever after?
In my book REFLECTION, my heroine, reporter, Whitney Steel is investigating an alleged human cloning project when she meets up with the hero, FBI Agent, Blake Neely, who's searching for his own answers.
Everything from this point on focuses on Blake and Whitney discovering whether or not the villain has produced the world's first cloned human. They don't set out to fall in love. The relationship between the hero and heroine develops because of the suspense.

The story evolved after Clonaid (a company founded by the religious sect called the Raelians which views cloning as the first step in achieving immortality) announced the birth of Eve, the “first human clone” in 2002 using the similar technique to clone, Dolly the Sheep. About 160 nations in the world have yet to outlaw the birth of human clones and others are allowing the creation of human clones as long as they are not put into a woman’s womb (how do we know they aren't implanted?), add a kick-ass investigative reporter, a sexy FBI agent, and thus, REFLECTION was born.

You can find REFLECTION in eBook at MuseItUp Publishing, Amazon and coming soon to Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and other fine retailers. Coming to paperback in late February.


Florida investigative reporter, Whitney Steel, has lived in the shadow of her legendary father long enough. To prove herself she needs to find the “Big” story.

She found it.
Now it may kill her.
After Whitney receives a lead pointing to the world's first cloned human, now a small child, she vows to unravel the truth. However, sifting through the facts proves to have dangerous results, including death threats and murder.
When Whitney is nearly killed, but is saved by undercover FBI Special Agent, Blake Neely, he refuses to let her get in the way of his own objective—at least not right away.
Caught in a lethal game between a billionaire obsessed with genetic perfection, his hit man’s thirst for retribution, and a Colombian drug lord fresh out of prison determined to make Blake pay for his twin brother’s death over a decade ago...
Can they save an innocent child before its too late?
Faced with tough choices, with deadly consequences for many—Whitney soon realizes that sometimes a story becomes more than just a story.



Mason Bailey gulped down his third Glenlivet. “I didn’t kill her.”

How many times had Whitney Steel heard those words? Dozens. But never from the mouth of a United States senator. For all she cared, the man could drink himself to Mars, but not until she got what she’d come for. An exclusive.

Under the awning shading the Pink Flamingo Club’s patio, she took a sip of her lime daiquiri, and couldn’t help notice the way the mid-afternoon sunlight brutally magnified every line on Mason’s tanned face.

“Of all the reporters in Panama City, let alone Florida, why me? We cut our ties years ago.” And our losses, she wanted to say, but didn’t.

“I know I can trust you.” His gaze darted across the street then back to her. “Besides, we were married once. That should count for something.”

Whitney straightened. Anger coiled in the pit of her stomach. “Give me a break. For a year and a half, I thought we were married. Too bad your girlfriends didn’t know about our little legal arrangement.” Especially, your twenty something assistant.

“Damn it, Whitney. I didn’t ask you here to rehash our past.” He yanked a monogrammed handkerchief from his jacket pocket and dabbed the sweat from his forehead. “I need your help. I know why Carmen Lacey was murdered.”

Her eyes widened. Now they were getting somewhere. “You have my full attention. Are we on the record?”

Mason shoved his empty glass aside. “Yes.”

Her heart thumped with anticipation. This story would be the topic du jour for months. Her ratings at WBNN-TV would soar, and finally her colleagues would take notice and treat her with the professional respect she deserved.

For the past twelve years, her colleagues said she’d had a free ride because of her father, an award winning war correspondent, and her ex-husband’s political connections. This time she’d prove them wrong.

She rummaged through her leather bag, placed her digital voice recorder on the table and gave the record button a firm push. “For the record, Senator Bailey, did you kill Carmen Lacey?”

“No.” He leaned back in the chair and loosened his pinstriped tie. “It’s true. I was the last person to see her alive. But there’s more to this than you think.”

Brown eyes that once set her heart hammering now conveyed a chilling, hollow look. Was it guilt? Desperation?

No. Fear.

Uneasiness slid down her spine. She stopped the recorder. “Mason, you’re scaring me. What the hell is going on? It’s been over three years since we last spoke. Then, out of the blue, you beg me to meet with you today. I know the police don’t believe you killed that woman.”

“But do you, Whitney? Do you believe I killed her? I need to know. It’s important.”

Stunned by the urgency in his voice, she answered carefully. “Of course not.

You’re many things, but you’re not a killer.”

“Thank you. That means a lot to me.” He reached for his empty glass and tapped his chunky gold ring against the side.

Whitney turned the recorder on again.

“Carmen was a scientist working for a biotech company in Nevada. ShawBioGen. Heard of it?”

“Who hasn’t? They were one of the first to clone animals in the eighties. Caused quite a stir.

But I don't understand. What does that have to do with Carmen’s death?”

He opened his mouth to answer.

The large window behind them dividing the patio from the main restaurant exploded...

Trained as a legal assistant, Kim Cresswell has been a story-teller all her life but took many detours including; working for a private investigator, running a graphic design business, and teaching computer classes at a local business school. After becoming disabled with Fibromyalgia and Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome, Kim returned to her first love, writing.
For her, writing suspense fiction is an incredible adventure and she's surprised where the journey takes her. She's also an avid reader who enjoys playing computer games, ghost hunting and loves anything paranormal.
Kim has a few new novels in the works including the sequel to REFLECTION which will be released in late 2013.


J.Q. Rose said...

Good morning, Kim. Thanks for participating in the I Love Books event. I know readers will love your new release, Reflections.

Kim Cresswell said...

Good morning, Janet! Thanks so much for having me. :)

Unknown said...

Hi JQ and Kim,

Exciting story line. Sounds full of action and adventure. And who doesn't like the tug and pull of a good romance.

Happy sales.

Kim Cresswell said...

Hi Lorrie,

Thanks so much for stopping by. :)

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Lorrie, I agree...great story line and I love suspense and romance combo.

site angel said...

Hi, Kim!
The new release looks very good!
Congrats. :~D
Cheers, Kelly

Sara Durham Writer ~ Author said...

Hi Kim, looks like an enticing read! Congratulations on your release! Look forward to reading Reflections one day:) So many books, so little time.

Cheers, Sara

Penny's Tales said...

Morning ladies. Kim your book sounds like a thriller and the trailer was terrific!

On my list!

Penny Estelle

Helena Fairfax said...

Hi Kim, I loved the excerpt from your book. It was a gripping read. Congratulations!

Kim Cresswell said...

Thanks, Kelly, Sara and Penny. :) Glad you enjoyed the post.Thanks for stopping by.

Heather Haven said...

Sounds like an intriguing read! good luck with this book. On my TBR list!

J.Q. Rose said...

Kim, looks like you have some fans who will be reading Reflection. Adding it to their TBR list just like me!!

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Sounds like something I can dive into. Best of luck marketing, Kim. Your book sounds like a winner.

Kim Cresswell said...

Hi Heather, Janet and Joylene. Thanks so much for the kind words. I hope you get the chance to read Reflection and enjoy the story. :)

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