Monday, May 13, 2013

Giveaways, Hobbies, Birthday Celebration, and More!

So much happening in May here at the J.Q. Rose blog and at the Girls Succeed blog.

childrens book week hop 2013

Children’s Book Week Giveaway Hop
May 13th – 19th
Hosted by 

~~Win over a 100 prizes by taking part in the Giveaway Hop. 
What a fantastic opportunity.
Click on over to the Girls Succeed blog to enter the drawing for my non-fiction book for girls, Girls Succeed: Stories Behind the Careers of Successful Women. 
Just enter a comment to be eligible to win!

~~Beginning next Thursday, May 23, and continuing every Thursday this summer, authors will be showcasing their creativity, but not just in writing. We'll explore the pastimes of authors when they share their hobbies with readers. Check out the right margin to discover my guests and the dates they will be visiting the J.Q. Rose blog.
Generous authors will award giveaways too.

~~Somehow Vern the Dragon from Karina Fabian's Dragon Eye PI series got word of our hobby event this summer and decided to share his hobby

during the Greater Treasures Book Tour. He'll kick off the Hobby Hoe-down on Wednesday, May 15. And you can win the e-book, Greater Treasures.

~~May is my birthday month, so beginning today, right now, leave a comment and you will win the opportunity to name the shadow person in my work-in-progress! Having that character's name will be a birthday gift I will truly appreciate!
After your name is drawn on Monday, May 27 at 9 pm, I'll give you the info about the character so you can conjure up a name for him. Your name will appear in the acknowledgement section of my new mystery. Put on your thinking caps!!
What a month of fun and prizes. Thanks for visiting the J.Q. Rose blog!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like it will be a fun-packed month.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Happy Birthday, Janet! May sounds like it'll be way too much fun!

J.Q. Rose said...

Oops, missed your comments earlier. Thanks for checking in. Yes, indeed, a fun month and a beautiful one with all the spring flowers and sunshine.

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