Monday, August 5, 2013

Report on the Author Talk and Book Signing and What's Up This Week

Blueberries are ready in Michigan and oh so sweet and yummy!
It's blueberry picking time in Michigan. Those plump, juicy berries, which I really never liked till moving to Michigan, are growing abundantly on the tall bushes. The exceptional weather has produced a delicious batch of blueberries this year.

Unfortunately the beautiful weather and outdoor activities (like concerts in the park) contributed to low attendance for our writers critique group talk and book signing. But we were grateful to those who came in out of the sunshine that beautiful evening last week. We had a relaxed, informative, and informal get-together. Plus my three crit partners sold books!!

I didn't. Sigh. All my books are e-books, but I did pass out a lot of "propaganda." I don't know how an e-book author can sell e-books at such an event. I wish I could just stuff the darn book into their Kindles and Nooks. I'm sure sometime in the future, we will.....somehow.

We had great publicity for the talk discussing "What Stirs Inspiration." A big article in the newspaper, online, newsletter from the Artsplace where we held the signing helped tell folks about our books. The four of us spread the word through Facebook, Twitter, Google plus, you name it, we did it! So we had a lot of exposure to the community. I had three people weeks before the event come up to me and remark they didn't know I was an author!! So that helps. (Maybe pen names aren't so wise, but that is another topic for discussion later.)

I believe the night was a success especially in realizing how important each of us in the crit group is for our inspiration and support for our writing projects. I should also point out, this group of writers bakes fantastic cookies too!


Monday, Aug. 5--Ace Hansen and I are swapping blogs. I feature Ace's brand new humorous MG book, Julius Caesar Brown and the Green Gas Mystery on the Girls Succeed Blog and I try to the best of my ability tp answer her interesting, makes-you-think interview questions on her blog at Her new release is as one reviewer described it, "hysterical." Good for reluctant boy readers.

MuseItUp Publishing Celebrates!
All During the Month of August: My publisher, MuseItUp Publishing is celebrating their brand-spankin' new website. Publisher Lea Schizas is installing the cutting edge technology to the site and offering 25% discount on all the books. And let me tell you MIU Publishing has a ton of great authors with diverse genres and voices. Take a peek and take advantage of the discount!!

Wednesday, Aug. 7-- The first Wednesday of every month is the Insecure Writer's Support Group blog day. Who knew writers were insecure? Take a peek at my maiden voyage into this group founded by Alex J. Cavanaugh, then hop around to the 100 plus writers who also post on their blogs that same day.


Thursday, August 8-- Hobby Hoedown continues featuring author Anne Stenhouse's  foray into belly dancing. And I always thought the British had a reputation for being "stuffy." LOL.. 
Yee-haw,  ya'all come by now, ya' hear?


Tess Grant said...

We need to figure out the e-book gift card/code thingy!

J.Q. Rose said...

Yes, Tess. It's hard to explain it to folks who don't even know what an e-book is!!!

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