Sunday, September 8, 2013

Labor Day Weekend, Author Facebook Page, Fall Hobby Hoedown, and This Week


Hope you had a restful and relaxing weekend or perhaps a lively weekend filled with fun, family and friends. Labor Day weekend was a fantastic weekend in Illinois with a family reunion (my DH side) on Saturday and my brother and his wife's 50th anniversary celebration. We certainly made memories to cherish. Of course when we arrived home after much traveling, we were exhausted, but happy.

Today I want to ask you about your Facebook page. Do you have one? I thought I would never want to add that extra responsibility to my marketing chores. After reading so many articles telling me Facebook is the place to be to find readers, I broke down and created my own J.Q. Rose page. And I must tell you I am pleased so far. I like to receive reports on the activity generated by the page and I love to see the  "likes" building. (Let me add I like to like other Facebook pages too.) Take a peek at the J.Q. Rose Facebook Page and like it if you haven't already. Leave me your FB addy in the comments or email me and I will like your page too! 

I use the page as a "hub" to notify my readers of my blog posts on both the J Q Rose blog and the Girls Succeed blog, news about my books and author friends' books, and writing resources/ information other authors may like to check out. I'm having fun with it. If you have an author page, how do you use it in your marketing effort? We can all use some suggestions, especially for this newbie!

In my part of the world, school is back in session and Labor Day is over, so it is officially fall! Time to look forward to colorful foliage, crisp apples, and warm campfires. I'm so delighted to announce the Hobby Hoedown is continuing into the fall season--just because I have had such a great time meeting authors and learning more about their creative outlets besides writing. Another good reason is that you, dear readers, seem to be enjoying the posts too. Watch for these authors and their hobbies to be featured this fall:

12 Heather Brainerd
19 J.Q. Rose
26 Roseanne Dowell
3 Lorrie Struiff
10 Kelly Whitley
17 Break
24 Available
31 Halloween
7 Heather Greenis
14 Margaret Mendel
21 Jane Lebak

Heather Brainerd discusses her hobby, visiting Disney Parks. Love, love Disney!
MG author Katie Carroll and I swap blogs. She visits the Girls Succeed blog and I hop over to her blog. Swaps are fun! Win prizes too!!


Joylene Nowell Butler said...

My like was #53, the year I was born. How kewl is that!

Thanks for the offer, Janet.

I don't do a whole heck of a lot anymore. I'm focusing on book #3, which I'm hoping comes out before the next millennium. LOL

J.Q. Rose said...

So you are celebrating a milestone birthday this year, eh, Joylene! I get it about book #3. So far the hardest one for me to settle down and get together.
I liked your FB page. I'm #130 I think!! woo hoo.

Thanks for stopping!

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