Monday, November 4, 2013

Birthday Wishes, Humans vs Nature, This Week

Happy Monday to my readers and Happy Birthday to my daughter, Sara! She is beginning her professional career as a certified health coach. Just for giggles, if you have time, please wish her a happy birthday on her facebook page at 

Thank you!

The colorful trees you see in this picture are not leaves changing in the fall because this is a scene in Florida. The rain trees add quite a splash of color in the fall. This was the view from my living room until heavy duty equipment showed up to rip out all the trees and bushes in the park-like area across the street from my house. 

In only a few days they pulled up towering pines, grand oaks, my beloved rain trees and shrubs. They have obliterated a habitat for tortoises, snakes, squirrels, birds, owls, and honey bees. Now it looks like a wasteland.

I understand the floods damaged homes in our park and made roads impassable this summer with the record amount of rainfall. To solve this problem, a 14 foot deep ditch will be dug through this previously green area. If I were a homeowner with a flooded home, I would want to fix the problem too. It's just hard to see the ravaging of nature this way. It seems there is always a war between what is good for people vs what is good for the wildlife and green areas. 

I hope the county will replace the trees to allow another habitat to take root and grow.

This Week:

Wednesday, November 6--Insecure Writers' Support Group

IWSG Badge 
Hop around the blogosphere as the insecure writers vent. (Insecure writers? Yes, there are plenty of us!) Great folks and all very supportive! Open invitation to join the group. My topic is What DO publishers, agents, and editors want?

Thursday, November 7--Hobby Hoedown Returns 

Yee-haw! Hobby Hoedown returns featuring the many hobbies of author Heather Greenis. One of them is curling! 

Sunday, November 10--I will be posting on the MuseItUp Publishing blog which spotlights the mystery/thriller books available at MuseItUp Publishing. Check in all week Nov.10-16 to discover great authors and their stories.


Joylene Nowell Butler said...

There are few places left in Canada where trees are older than me. Sad.

Leona~Author said...

That was a drastic change in the view for you, not t mention all the other damage. I'm thankful my house is uphill from the Illinois River.

You have a nice blog, JQ. I enjoy visiting.

J.Q. Rose said...

Joylene--we just don't appreciate the green areas until they are gone. Thanks for stopping in! I know you've been very busy!!

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, Leona. Glad you stopped in, Uphill from the Illinois River sounds like you must have a lovely view.

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