Monday, February 3, 2014

Six More Weeks of Winter Weather, This Week, and Free E-book

Here's a cup of coffee to warm you up! Sounds like there will be six more weeks of winter weather.
Actually I am sitting here at the laptop with iced tea because in Florida it's 80 degrees. Okay, don't throw rotten tomatoes at me. I am thrilled to be a snowbird and in fact, my first mystery novella is a story about snowbirds. Some of you may recall Sunshine Boulevard. It's a fun read to escape with whether it's 80 degrees or 0 degrees. Check out the video below for you viewing pleasure...!!

Available at a MuseItUp Publishing and all major online booksellers.

Wednesday, February 5-- I am looking forward to participating in the Insecure Writers Support Group blog hop. The IWSG is a grand group of supportive authors who share their thoughts the first  Wednesday of every month. Join us to discover so much knowledge about writing and publishing and sign up to be a part of the gang too. Check out the new IWSG Website for all kinds of helpful information for writers!
Thursday, February 6-- I am honored to have award winning Carolyn Howard-Johnson sharing her information about Editing is Marketing and a chance to win her e-book, The Frugal Editor. Her outstanding series of books for authors, How to Do It Frugally, has won awards and praise. You don't want to miss out on her wealth of knowledge. She loves to answer questions. Plus your comment will enter you into the random drawing for her e-book. So you're invited to get in on the discussions on Thursday through Sunday. Winner will be drawn after 9 pm on Sunday evening.


Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Wonderful video, Janet. See you at IWSG.

Anonymous said...

No more snow. : ( I'm so looking forward to spring!

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