Thursday, April 24, 2014

Seeds of Inspiration Author Conda V. Douglas and Giveaways

Welcome author Conda Douglas to the Seeds of Inspiration Spring Event. Conda is giving away a copy of her new cozy mystery, Starke Naked Dead. Release date is tomorrow April 25. You can be one of the first readers to enjoy her book just by leaving a comment for the drawing.  Drawing closes on Sunday at 12:01 a.m. EDT.

PLUS For everyone, her cookbook Starke Deadly Delicious Recipes is FREE today and tomorrow. It's a delicious taste of some of her favorite recipes along with a taste of the characters and world of Starke! Clck on the link for Starke Deadly Delicious Recipes at Amazon to get your copy! Thank you so much, Conda!

Conda Douglas grew up in the ski resort of Sun Valley, Idaho. Her childhood was filled with authors and artists and other creative types. She grew up with goats in the kitchen, buffalo bones in the living room, and rocks in the bathtub. Now her life is filled with her cat and dog, permanent boyfriend, and writing.
Conda and pal, Puck
She’s traveled the world from Singapore to Russia and her own tiny office, writing all the while. She delights in writing her cozy Starke Dead creative woman mystery series with amateur detective jeweler Dora Starke. The more Dora discovers cursed jewelry, her aunt digging graves, and a rampant poisoner, the more fun Conda has—although sometimes Dora complains about her plight! Next up, Starke Raving Dead, in which Dora’s mad Aunt Maddie proves the aptness of her name.
When she’s not writing Dora into her quirky and quixotic mysteries, Conda writes the popular tween fantasy Mall Fairies series. The fairy inspiration for her Mall Fairies came from the sparrows that live in the Boise Towne Square Mall in Boise, Idaho. When not rescuing fairies from humans, cats, and themselves, Conda works on the last title in the Mall Fairy trilogy, The Mall Fairies: Destiny.
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Places you can find Conda:

My Wonderful Fifth Grade Teacher, Mrs. Loringer
by Conda V. Douglas

JQ's question about what inspired me to become a writer brought back a stupendous memory of my true writing inspiration. Thank you, JQ!

I grew up in the tiny odd town of Ketchum, Idaho. Odd because it's a mile away from the Sun Valley ski resort, filled with luminaries, including one famed writer, Papa Hemingway. In contrast, Ketchum at that time was the place where all the middle class people who worked in Sun Valley lived.

Ketchum's one and only school, the grade school, was understaffed and underfunded. For my fifth grade year, the new young teacher hire taught the advanced students of third and fifth grades. All 24 of us happened to be girls. All day scrunched in the same classroom with equipment so old that our desks had inkwells.

Mrs. Loringer's response to this bizarre configuration was life changing for her students. She must have figured that since she was teaching two grades two years apart, why not often let the students go at their own pace, spend time working on their own? It worked great.

One thing we could do was write poems, short stories and essays for extra credit. I did that so much Mrs. Loringer finally told me that I had an A+ in English. I didn't need any more extra credit. I burst into tears. I'd lost my audience. An audience of one, but at age 10, I believed that "real" authors were gods, like Papa, not a little girl living in Ketchum, Idaho. Mrs. Loringer gently teased out the problem, in between my sobs, and then she said, "You're a good writer. Good enough to become an author, if you want."

My tears vanished. That my beloved teacher had validated me as an author made my writing career possible. My first acceptance! I've been writing ever since. In honor of the first in my cozy mystery series, Starke Naked Dead, being released from my publisher, Muse It Up, I'm offering a copy of it free! Please note that currently it is only available in various eBook formats and PDF. Starke Naked Dead is set in a tiny mountain town that is about to be Idaho's newest ski resort, hmmm...

Back Cover
The gossiping women of the Widows Brigade in the new ski resort of Starke, Idaho love a good scandal—this time it’s a murder mystery, and a stark naked corpse!
Jeweler Dora Starke believes creating her own jewelry line with no money and no time is her biggest problem. She’s mistaken. When her recluse dad shows up and thrusts a stolen, cursed jewelry piece worth millions at her and demands she sell it or he’s dead, she knows this must be her biggest problem. She’s wrong. When she pursues her father to his Idaho mountain cabin and instead of dear old dad, discovers a stark naked corpse, she’s certain she’s found her biggest problem--whodunit. Nope. Dora’s problems are just beginning…Follow Dora as she becomes an amateur sleuth to solve the mysteries of cursed jewelry and murder, in this, the first of the Starke Dead women sleuth cozy mystery series.
MuseItUp Publishing 
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Thanking a million teachers float in the 2014 Rose Parade
Finally, a huge thank you to Mrs. Loringer and all those other teachers out there who make such a great difference.


J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Conda, thanks so much for guesting this week AND offering a FREE cookbook to everyone plus your new release for the drawing. Looking forward to a fun time!

Conda Douglas said...

JQ, I'm thankful to you for bringing back a wonderful memory of my writing inspiration. And I adore the illustration for the Rose Parade float thanking our teachers, we'd be nowhere without them!

J.Q. Rose said...

You're welcome, Conda.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

That is so wonderful about your teacher. I hope she realizes what a treasure she was. Makes me teary thinking she may not have. Thanks for sharing this, ladies.

Conda Douglas said...

Joylene, I've tried to find Mrs. Loringer through Internet searches, but I never knew her first name, so ... perhaps this post will help find her. I so want to thank her!

J.Q. Rose said...

At my 40th class reunion some of our class's teachers attended. It was so gratifying to see them again and tell them how much they meant to me. I didn't admit to my band teacher I had a big crush on him though!! LOL...All the girls did anyway. Thanks Joylene for stopping by.

Unknown said...

What a sweet post! It's nice to learn a little more about you, Conda. Your books sound intriguing. I love a good cozy mystery! Have a happy release day tomorrow!

Unknown said...

Teachers are a wonderful inspiration. My fifth grade teacher would read to us if we were good during our "rest room" breaks. She read Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, and Christmas stories.
Our sixth grade teacher kept a "lending" library in his classroom. I think I read every book connected with horses and the wild west!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely post, Conda! Nearly all my family are teachers. It can be a demoralising job at times, but your story really is inspirational and just shows how good teachers can make a difference. Best of luck with your release

J.Q. Rose said...

Heather-yes, Heather a sweet post, but what a mean title for her new release, Starke Naked Dead. LOL

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi glmiller--even our eighth grade teacher read to us--yeah at 13 years old! We loved it and we all cried at Charlotte's Web ending. In fact I had to read the story because Mrs. Beyer was just too broken up to finish it! Thank you for stopping in.

J.Q. Rose said...

Helena, my grandmother, mother were teachers, so became a teacher too way back when--third grade. It is a big job, but very rewarding when you see the idea click in a kid's head and he gets it!

Susan Bernhardt said...

Great post, Conda and J.Q.

Nice to meet you, Conda. I write cozy mysteries as well.

Your cozy sounds exciting and what a title! Best wishes and enjoy your book release day tomorrow!

Conda Douglas said...

Thank you all for all your great comments! And don't forget to pick up your FREE copy of my cookbook! I've Conda tested the recipes, I promise!

Judy Winn said...

How nice to get to meet you! Your book sounds fascinating. Judy Joyce Winn, author of The Silver Seahorse.

Judy Winn said...

How nice to get to meet you! Your book sounds fascinating. Judy Joyce Winn, author of The Silver Seahorse.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Judy, thank you for stopping in.

Peter H. Green said...

Conda, You rock! I've enjoyed your works before can highly recommend them.
Peter Green
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