Sunday, April 27, 2014

Spring Gardening with a Greenhouse, This Week, Giveaway

Still waiting on spring? Yes, I can't wait till we see beautiful tulips in our yard. No color yet!
The sunny daffodils are welcome bursts of color in northern landscapes now.
If you are a gardener (or married to one like I am), you are chomping at the bit to get the garden going. My DH, Gardener Ted, is busy planting seeds in flats and pots hoping to get ahead of Mother Nature. No waiting for a seed to pop up in the garden, he'll be able to transplant the healthy seedlings as soon as heavy frosts are over...whenever that may be. He and the grandsons put up a greenhouse as soon as we returned from Florida in April.

The next day, it looked like this--

I must admit I'd never seen snow on the greenhouse, but then again, I had never seen snow on our deck furniture either!

Now he has the plants tucked in the warm greenhouse even if the overnight temps are 30 degrees. So keep your fingers crossed that warm temperatures will arrive soon, before the greenhouse has a ton of overgrown plants inside. I'll keep ya' posted. 

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This Week:
Thursday, May 1

Sweet romance author Helena Fairfax reveals her inspiration to be a writer. Helena is offering her award-nominated romance, The Silk Romance, as a prize to the winning commenter. Be sure to come back Thursday and leave a comment!

The Month of May:

Seeds of Inspiration Event guest authors:

May 1  Helena Fairfax
         8  Katie Carroll
       15 Susan Bernhardt

May 22--J. Q. Rose Birthday Giveaway!!


Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Snowing on your newly erected greenhouse! That is just rude! Our lake is turning black, which means the ice is gone soon! Can't wait. It means all the swans and ducks will return.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Joylene, Thanks for the update on the lake. All the ice is gone is good news! I really enjoy watching spring spread across the neighborhood.

Unknown said...

Love your greenhouse! I have tulips in the garden that are just about to bloom... if I can keep the deer from eating them!!

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Heather B, those deer can really do a lot of damage. Hope you get to enjoy the blooms. Happy Spring!

Conda Douglas said...

I'm not much of a gardener--except each spring I get excited and then when the heat hits I lose all my enthusiasm!

And I love your lineup for May, some great authors there!

J.Q. Rose said...

Conda, I have discovered gardeners are always excited to plant another garden, no matter what happened with last year's garden. Always optimists. Thanks, looking forward to May too! Happy to have you as a guest!!

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