Welcome to the J.Q. Rose blog! Thank you for stopping in. Today
is party time!! Help yourself to the cake and punch on the festive table decorated with these gorgeous red roses.
We're getting together to celebrate the completion of the 30 Day Book Marketing Challenge with an amazing Book Marketing Blog Hop.
For 30 sessions D’vorah Lansky of Build a Business with Your Book hosted informative guests who shared their knowledge and experience in
their special fields of book marketing. What a fun time for learning about new methods
for marketing and getting to meet and network with professionals who try to
shed some light on the overwhelming task of getting the word out about our
books. D’vorah was so organized and her speakers were generous with their tips and information. I learned many new-to-me strategies, and I am anxious to try them!
The next time I'm a guest blogger on an author’s blog, I plan
to use a tip I gleaned during the workshop in my own book marketing. (A guest
blogger shares stories about writing their book, speaks on a topic chosen by
the host, or answers an interview style Q & A. She also has the opportunity to promote her book.) When guesting, I will include a link back to my blog so the reader will pop over to my blog to
download a free gift such as a list of tips on my topic, a report. or even a
teleseminar. I have compiled recipes in cookbooks that I think would be a
worthwhile free gift for readers. When they hop over, they may spend time looking around the blog and sign up for the gift. I’ll add the
reader’s email address to my list and hope to have an ongoing relationship with website visitors.
You're invited to hop on over to visit the other authors who are also throwing
a party at their blogs. You’ll pick up some useful tips on book marketing too. Remember, cyber party food and drinks contain no
calories! Enjoy!
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Inspiring and empowering girls to achieve success in their dream careers |
Take a peek at my non-fiction book for girls--
Girls Succeed! Stories Behind the Careers of Successful Women is an interactive e-book filled with dreams and passion to
inspire, entertain, and empower girls. Fifteen remarkable career women in a
variety of occupations share their stories in these pages. Explore careers
which include women who have discovered cures to stamp out disease, made people
laugh, earned Olympic and p\Paralympic gold medals, and drove across the country
in the cab of an 18 wheeler.
To discover more about the book and to learn about incredible role models and trailblazers, visit The Girls Succeed Blog.
Girls Succeed! is available at Amazon and major online booksellers.
Good idea, the link back with a free gift. I might just use that myself next time I'm a guest blogger, if the host will allow it :)
I loved your idea about the cookbook J.Q. Rose! I tried to do the same thing, but my publisher didn't want to post it because it has nothing to do with the book (even though my heroine's mother is constantly in the kitchen baking!)
Thank you for the opportunity to learn with you and share the inspiration over the past month. It has been an honor!
Thanks for the cake and punch -- we do have a lot to celebrate! I look forward to reading your book once my own business is off and running and I have time to read for fun again!
Meeting folks like you is certainly the bonus to my challenge -- I so appreciate the opportunity to share with each other as we continue on in this business!
Thank for throwing the party, we worked hard now we party hard. Tomorrow and for the rest of our lives (or so it will seem) we market hard. Your idea of linking back is awesome.
"Cyber party food and drinks contain no calories!" They sure don't! I hope you find willing blog hosts to link back to your blog with your guest post, interview, etc. I always do that for my guests.
Best wishes, J.Q.!
Thanks for the blog. I love the idea behind Girls Succeed. I hope soon to be one of them ;-)
Interesting post. I agree that guest blogging might be a good way to get your name out in the blog sphere.
Don't forget radio show interviews! They are a great inspiration for audience, interviewer and interviewee--win win!!
Hello J.Q., The roses are devine. I feel you are going to be an excellent guest blogger next time around. You confirm my experience of an incredible author community that support each other. Great work.
Your blog signature is a perfect example of what authors can add to the bottom of their blog posts, across the Internet. I've found it helpful to create a Word document file with a saved master copy of my "blog signature." This makes it easy to copy and paste for future posts. The way you've added your book image and present your article with such genuine warmth, makes me want to click over and explore your book on Amazon.
J. Q., I can smell the roses from here~ Thank you for adding to the celebration~
Thanks, J.Q., for very inspiring ideas and your book looks intriguing!
From the BMC Blog Hop! When I can, if you put up your FB series or author page, I LIKED yours and would appreciate a reciprocation: https://www.facebook.com/TheSpannersSeriesbySallyEmber or a FOLLOW: http://www.sallyember.com Best to you!
Flowers AND calorie-free snacks. What could be better?
Definitely a good idea to have a bio with a link to your site for guest blog posts. You might even write up several bios, from Twitter-length to email signature size, and on up, so you'll have one for every occasion, including at the bottom of your emails.
I really like the free offer link back. What a good way to get them to explore your blog too.
JQ, thanks for reminding us of the signature block, and for the ways we can use to encourage people about our books and blogs. I hope we can keep in touch. My Facebook page is www.facebook.com/shirley.m.corder
Great post! I loved the idea of free gifts, too, and have been thinking about how to best do that. Everyone I've met over the past 30 days have been an inspiration. I wish you all the best!
Astrid--I picked up that idea from the book marketing challenge. I would certainly let my guest bloggers link to it. I always share the link to their blogs too. Thank you.
Peg--Best wishes on your new business. You go for it!
Peggy--You're a sweetheart. I have enjoyed meeting new folks too. The cookbook I have is just a PDF file and I send it to folks who request it. I doubt my publisher knows I even have it, but it does feature recipes supposedly by the main character in my mystery, Sunshine Boulevard, and named after her too.
Desire--Thank you Desire. Definitely marketing hard to make a little ripple in this big ocean of publishing!
Gina--I do too. Linking back to each other's blogs really helps. I like to do blog swaps too when we post on each other's blogs. Thanks for stopping in.
Mili--I'm excited to get Girls Succeed in the hands of girls. You can definitely be a success. You go for it, Grrlll!!
Moonrox-Thank you for visiting Moonrox.
Kate--Radio interviews are a great idea! Thanks for the reminder. And the idea for the interview to be inspiring is inspiring to the interviewer and listeners really makes me want to get the word out to the world.
NatureMystic--Thank you for your kind words. Glad you like the roses. So fragrant and beautiful. One of my favorite flowers, hence I made Rose part of my pen name.
Dvorah--Thank you, Dvorah. I like to save my group signature on a doc along with my bio, book blurb, tagline, and buy links. Really makes it quick when creating a guest blog too. Thanks for an informative and inspiring 30 sessions!!
Christine--Thank you, Christine. Thanks for visiting to add to the fun!
Sally--The sessions have been inspiring. Thanks so much!
Helen and Lori--Good tips on the signatures. Thank you.
Linda--Yes, the link back can help in so many ways. Thanks
Shirley--Thanks so much for visiting my blog. I'll find you on FB.
Gale--Free gifts might get us some attention, don't you think? There are so many clever ideas by imaginative authors. Best wishes to you!
I would love to have you guest post on my blog anytime!
Gorgeous background image on your site and fantastic journey to celebrate with young successful woman.
Thanks for reading, JQ Rose,
Sarah Butland
author of Arm Farm, Brain Tales and Blood Day
Enjoy guest blogging! I love all these different ways of marketing our books. I am choosing to repurpose my books. All the best!
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