Monday, July 7, 2014

Characters Interview:Mitch Malone Grills Pastor Christine, This Week

 I really enjoyed traveling around cyberspace on my winter virtual book tour for Coda to Murder in 2013. This is an encore presentation of my guest post for my visit to mystery author W.S. Gager's author site. Or rather I should say Pastor Christine's interview with Wendy's main character, newspaper reporter Mitch Malone. Please take a peek at the mysteries by Wendy at the W S Gager books site. She has developed a series of entertaining reads with her hard-hitting investigative journalist Mitch Malone who is driven to get the story first and always on the front page.
W.S. Gager

Mitch Malone Inteviews Pastor Christine

Mitch Malone here. I’ve been following a hot story and my remains were almost found in a compromising situation but I can’t say more. You will have to read it in A CASE OF VOLATILE DEEDS, my latest exclusive. Today I have Pastor Christine visiting. Seems she doesn’t have any secrets. We will have to see about that. I’m happy to do the interview on account of Elsie Dobson from A CASE OF ACCIDENTAL INTERSECTION set it up and also sent a plate of cookies. She is one of the best bakers, but I digress. 

MM--Pastor Christine, it is a pleasure to meet you.  Correct me if I’m wrong but you are from J.Q. Rose’s latest release called CODA TO MURDER.  You made headlines recently because you killed somebody at your church. Could you tell me about that?
Pastor Christine--God bless you, Mitch Malone. <chuckling>  Your reputation precedes you. I know you’re always trying to get your stories on the front page and garner awards to add to your resume. But, sorry, no headlines about me killing anyone!  
Unfortunately our talented Director of Music, William White, was found dead in our church basement the morning after our Wednesday night dinner and  studies. I cannot believe anyone would murder this vibrant, kind man. But Detective Cole Stephens certainly considers our custodian, Dutch, and myself to be “persons of interest.”  You might want to dig around for some information so you could help  clear Dutch and me.  Now that would be an amazing headline if you could solve this murder.
MM--No need to get all huffy. I have to ask the tough questions to gauge your response.  How about we change the subject? It is a bit unusual to have a female pastor. Can you tell me how you came to minister to the people at Dayspring Church?
Pastor Christine--I love being the spiritual leader of the folks at Dayspring. I have been there about a year now, but I’ve been in the pulpit for five years at another church. I was happy to move away from the area, not because I had problems at the other church, but because I could put distance between my ex-husband, Brad, and me.
I have enjoyed meeting so many wonderful people at Dayspring. We are becoming a family. Of course, there are always conflicts that arise when dealing with so many personalities. The president of the women’s group is not exactly happy that I am caring for a pig and kangaroo in the back yard of the church parsonage or that I have taken in Mrs. Whitcomb’s cat, Bitsy, to care for until I can find a family who wants this darling tabby cat. Bitsy is litter trained and absolutely no accidents on the church owned parsonage floors. Now the backyard is another story…you know pigs like to root up the ground and eat everything in sight. I keep telling  President Jewell, it is just temporary, and I will replace all the bushes, trees, flowers, and grass when their owner re-claims the animals.
MM--The book is called CODA TO MURDER. Did the dead guy get hit with a Coda? What is a coda and why is it in the mystery?
Pastor Christine--Coda is a musical term. I’m an accomplished organist. William and I are both known for our musical abilities at the organ and knowledge of church music.  I guess J.Q. chose a musical term because of our background in music. Coda is the sign that signifies the final section in a musical piece.  Unfortunately murder was the final ending to William’s life.
MM--Now I understand you have a single friend that might want to date a single reporter? She has a penchant for coming up with some rather lawless ideas to solve crimes. Tell me about your friendship.
Pastor Christine--Oh yes, Lacey has become a valued friend. You can hang around awhile, Mitch, and you may get to meet her. She’s a florist and well, you know, weddings and funerals at our church. She’s always delivering flowers to the church, so we have time to talk and get to know each other. Although we are completely opposites in looks, she’s a petite strawberry blonde and I am six feet tall and with brown hair, we have lots in common. We are both single, career women, and survived bad marriages.
MM--So you are single too? I’m not sure you want to be seen with a reporter who might not always follow the right spiritual path.  Can you date being a minister and all?
Pastor Christine--Hey, Mitch, I’m not a monk! I’m a real person who likes to enjoy a date, a movie, friends, these delightful cookies, and beer with my pizza!
MM--Okay, no more tough questions. I think we're done here. 

If you want to find out more about Pastor Christine, or better yet, purchase CODA TO MURDER check out these websites: and major online booksellers.

MM--Thanks for coming by and make sure you pass along that I did the interview to Elsie. Better yet, maybe you shouldn’t. You seem pretty upset and I don’t want to lose my cookie connection.
Pastor Christine--Heaven forbid you lose your cookie connection, Mitch. You don’t beat around the bush with your questions, but actually it’s been fun meeting you. I just wanted to add a thank you to W.S. Gager for hosting me on her author site.

BIO- After writing feature articles in magazines, newspapers, and online magazines for over fifteen years, J.Q. Rose entered the world of fiction writing with her first published novella, Sunshine Boulevard, released by MuseItUp Publishing in 2011. Coda to Murder, was released in February. Blogging, photography, Pegs and Jokers board games, and travel are the things that keep her out of trouble. Spending winters in Florida with her husband allows Janet the opportunity to enjoy the life of a snowbird. Summer finds her camping and hunting toads, frogs, and salamanders with her four grandsons and granddaughter.

Connect with J.Q. Rose online at
J.Q. Rose blog
Author website
J. Q.  Rose Amazon Author Page

                                     Pastor Christine Hobbs never imagined she                                                 would be caring for a flock that includes                                         a pig, a kangaroo, and a murderer.

Book Trailer for Coda to Murder

This Week:
Thursday, July 10--Part 3 in the series How to Begin Recording Your Life Story continues. Please join us for tips on finding places to submit your memoir if you wish to share your story with readers.


Anonymous said...

What a great idea to have the two characters talking! Loved it, JQ, and Mitch Malone seems an interesting guy, too. Glad to see Pastor Christine is as quick-witted as ever!

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks, Helena. It's a lot of fun to be interviewed by another character. Especially know Mitch Malone very well as Wendy is in my crit group, so we have developed both characters by brainstorming a lot when writing the stories. Thanks for leaving a comment.

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