Thursday, July 23, 2015

Travelogue Video: Nova Scotia Adventure Part One with J.Q. Rose

Travelogue Time
Hello and welcome to the Travelogue. I am thrilled to take my turn this week on the Travelogue. You're invited to join my husband, Gardener Ted, and me on our tour of Nova Scotia, Canada. Because we stayed only one night in an area, we drove 1700 miles (not counting the ferry boat ride back from Prince Edward Island to Nova Scotia), You can bet I have a LOT of photos, so today I present Part One of the trip. 

We truly enjoyed the people and places in Nova Scotia, Canada. Now that we've had an overview, we might make another visit in the future to the spots we want to explore more thoroughly. 

Enjoy the video! 

Nova Scotia Adventure Part One

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Unknown said...

Love this! Great pictures, and your commentary was fantastic. Nice job!

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, Heather. I have so many photos I decided to do the video. I don't know how many blogger will allow, plus photos delay the page loading. Hmm maybe a video slows it down too. I dunno.

Susan Bernhardt said...

Wonderful travelogue J.Q. I love Peggy's Cove. I have a rock from there that's in my flower garden out front. You certainly saw Nova Scotia well.

Looking forward to part two.

Marsha said...

Wow, JQ! I'm so impressed with the video! You need to do a blog post on how to do that next.
Loved the pictures. Many reminded me of areas of Maine that I love so much. I love the fabulous rock formations! Thanks so much for sharing and I'll definitely come back for part 2 or 3 or 4. :) However many it takes. (I noticed in rereading this that I used the word "love" quite a bit. Apparently I really, really liked your post. LOL)

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, Susan. I wanted a rock from Peggy's Cove to take home with us, but we'd need a crane to dig up the one I wanted!! Plus I imagine the airlines would frown on carrying a rock onboard...LOL.

J.Q. Rose said...

LOL Marsha. I'm glad you really, really liked the post. We were in Maine several years ago. I believe I saw several of the charming, wooden churches there too. I learned how to do the Power Point narration on a you tube video. I ran out of time to figure out how to add the music this time. Power Point was very temperamental on Wednesday and kept closing on me. My best suggestion is to record the narration way ahead of deadline when planning to do one!!! And save, save, save.

Anonymous said...

What a great way to show your photos, JQ. I really felt as though I were there with you. Although I wish I really was. It would be great to sit down for a chat in the coffee shop. And I loved the photo of the sea and the sunset. What a lovely place to visit. I'm not surprised you'd like to go back some time. Thanks for sharing.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, Helena. The coffee shop is a cozy place for a chat for sure. I didn't mention it is right on a river/lake/bay (a body of water anyway) and there are chairs and tables for sitting outside to enjoy the view with your muffin. It was too cool and damp for us to do that. See? Another reason to revisit the LaHave Bakery!! We would go later in the morning then.

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