Monday, March 7, 2016

Happy Birthday, Signs of Spring, Vegetable Gardening, Growing Lettuce, Romance Readers Want to Know,

Hello and welcome to the J.Q. Rose blog.

About thirty plus years ago, I gave birth to a pink bundle of joy we named Lee Ann. She was such a smiley newborn, the nurses asked permission to use Lee Ann to demonstrate how to bathe a baby for the new mothers in the maternity ward. And yes, indeed she was the smiling star. To this day, she is a beautiful, smart young woman who smiles a lot.
Lee Ann and J.Q. at a make-up demo at Merle Norman Cosmetics.

I hope you're finding signs of spring in your corner of the world. Mother Nature sometimes has a difficult time transitioning from harsh winter weather to gentle, warm temperatures in March. Usually it's a mixed bag of cold and warm that month. (Secretly I think she suffers from PMS during March.)
Have you seen spring creeping over your landscape?

We're preparing to head north which means Gardener Ted is getting seeds started for the Michigan garden. The seed flats are a sign of spring for me. Today he brought in some gorgeous lettuce from the Florida garden.
Sitting out on the picnic table in the backyard, are tiny seedlings he has planted for Up North.
Green pepper plants popping up. 
You can barely see some of them, no bigger than a pencil lead.

Teeny tiny lettuce seedlings in foreground. Begonias in background.

These lettuce plants are ready to be planted in our Florida garden, but depending on the weather and how soon we leave, we may not be able to harvest. But he just can't throw them away now, can he? No.
Lettuce ready to be transplanted.
No wonder gardeners are always optimistic when spring comes. They are a part of  the miracle hidden in seeds. From this tiny, seemingly lifeless form, a vegetable or a flower grows. Such mystery. The garden reminds me of the mystery of the Easter resurrection. 

You're a gardener whether you plant a plot of ground, a pot on your deck, or a small bowl filled with lettuce plants sitting by your back door. They're all good and offer the opportunity to play in the dirt. How about you? Do you grow plants, vegetable or flowering? What's your favorite vegetable to grow in the garden? 

If you're interested in starting a garden, Gardener Ted shares many helpful tips in the ebook, Quick Tips on Vegetable Gardening: Starting Your Garden. Click the cover below to download a sample and/or purchase a copy for yourself.

Romance Readers Want to Know
Every Thursday on the J.Q. Rose Blog
Come back on Thursday, March 10, when author Shirley Martin answers the questions her readers want to know.

Take some time today to look for spring!


Unknown said...

I have a garden full of perennials. Looking forward to getting out there and doing my spring clean-up. :)

Helena Fairfax said...

What a lovely photo of you and your daughter, JQ. So good to see the signs of Spring. My favourite plant in the garden is my white camellia. It's in bud and should be flowering soon. Spring is on the way!

emaginette said...

Spring has come out of nowhere. Everything changed in a week. I can't tell you how happy this makes me. :-)

Anna from elements of emaginette

J.Q. Rose said...

Love, love, love perennials, Heather. In case a reader doesn't know the term--Perennials are plants that come back and bloom every year. Annuals are flowers that bloom one season, then they're gone. Okay. That's the teacher in me and the garden center owner too needing to explain. Thanks for stopping!!

J.Q. Rose said...

Oh Helena, camellias are so pretty. I wasn't familiar with them until we lived in FL. Is this the right time of year for them to bloom in your neck of the woods?

J.Q. Rose said...

Anna--the signs of spring make my heart happy too. So glad it's bursting into your area.

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