Thursday, March 3, 2016

Romance Readers Want to Know: Author Mickie Sherwood

Romance Readers Want to Know Series

On Thursdays the J.Q. Rose blog features a romance author who answers the most often asked questions from their readers. You'll meet new writers and learn more about your favorite authors and their latest books. You can also take advantage of the opportunity to leave a question for the author.
Please welcome sweet romance with spice author Mickie Sherwood. Mickie kicks off the March line-ip for the series. She is really into photography, cruises, and writing humorous stories. She is sharing three of the most frequently asked questions from readers.

March Authors

3 Mickie Sherwood
10 Shirley Martin
17 Helena Fairfax
31 Diane Wickles

Now--Heeeere's Mickie!

Romance Readers Want to Know: Mickie Sherwood

Thanks, J.Q.  I'm happy to share the questions and answers on the J.Q. Rose blog. 

Why do you refer to your romances as relationship-based? Although l-o-v-e is the common theme in all of my novels, my characters fall in like before they entangle themselves in love. I want readers to use their imaginations during the characters' developing relationship. I want readers to feel the vibe.

What do you like least about writing? What I like least about writing is writer's block.  But, I've found the perfect solution to that problem. Physical exertion works wonders to cure my writer's block.

How does music influence your writing? Music is definitely an integral part of my writing habit. I love different types but gravitate to R&B love ballads. Love ballads tend to inspire my creative juices and get them flowing, especially when writing my characters' intimate scenes. Check out what makes me swing and sway on my Marvelous Music Pinterest board.
Visitors, what types of music help you when having one-of-those days?

It was my pleasure to share these tidbits with you. Now, let me introduce you to the Bayou Cowboy and the Skeptical Surrogate in my latest mainstream romance. Templet's Tasty Tails is a PG13, sweetly sensual, closed-door romance.

Templet's Tasty Tails by Mickie Sherwood
Templet's Tasty Tails by Mickie Sherwood
Will the Bayou Cowboy's affections corral the Skeptical Surrogate's love?
Back of the Book:
Web Designer Erika Washington's contract with her childhood best friend covers all possibilities about her pregnancy. But one unpredictable event redirects her future. As a donor-surrogate, what does one do when fate changes the plan and claims the lives of the intended parents? If you're the selfless, strong-willed Erika Washington, you mount a defense to keep your baby.
Entrepreneur Booker Templet, owner of Templet's Tasty Tails, secretly agrees to help his first cousin by being a donor for his baby. However, unfortunate circumstances change the course of Booker’s life. After he learns the identity of the other donor, Booker plans to be a part of his child's life. No matter what.
Will Erika and Booker battle over custody of the baby? Will their horrible loss help them find consolation in each other's arms? Or will fate intervene yet again?

About Mickie:
Mickie Sherwood is an author and a novice photographer. Using her backyard as the backdrop for her inspiration, she loves taking pictures of nature. Her love of photography incites her creativity for writing. Spending time with her family and cruise vacations, also stokes her imagination.
With all of her interests combined, fascinating characters and intriguing circumstances can develop.

Mickie also enjoys a good laugh. Revel in the humorous stories she shares about life, at her blog—Mickie's Mutterings.

Buy: Amazon |  Kobo   |  B&N

Mickie Sherwood
~~Sweet, spicy romance – a heartbeat away! ~~


J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks so much for being my guest this week, Mickie. I've got to ask. Is Mickie your nickname? That's cute. If it's a pen name, how did you decide on it?

Mickie Sherwood said...

Good morning all,

JQ, you take the cake. LOL You're the first to ever ask me those questions. I'd be giving away too much if I answer. There's mystery in the unknown.

Readers, what do you think about JQ's questions? Nickname or Pen name?

I'll be back to check your answers and treat you to a morsel excerpt.

Mickie Sherwood
~~Sweet, and spicy romance – a heartbeat away! ~~

J.Q. Rose said...

Hmmm--I'm thinking your name is a pen name. You'd be lucky to have parents who chose such a cute name for their pink bundle of joy.

Mickie Sherwood said...

Hmmm JQ, you might be right.

Now for a Bayou Love Romances excerpt:

Scene: After a shaky first meet, Booker greets Erika after an accidental meeting at the home of a mutual acquaintance.

Meanwhile, Erika looked from person to person. Finally, her eyes rested on his. "How've you been, Miss Washington?"
"Fine and dandy, Mr. Templet." She dealt a hand and began lining up the cards.
"Yes, you do look that way."
Erika glared at him. "You're doing it again. That's so ill-mannered."
Booker wiped his fingers on his napkin. "I'm just trying to be friendly."
"Then stop it. Please."
He chuckled. "I apologize, Miss Washington. I promise you, I'm not a pervert lusting after pregnant women. I do wish I'd been able to say those things to my wife."
"Oh?" Erika lifted her eyebrows, pity overtaking her expression. "Are condolences in order?"
"Booker, can I get you anything else?" Theresa's voice sounded shrill.
"I guess divorce is a death of sorts." To Theresa he said, "No, thanks. Sometimes I run my big trap too much."
Filling his mouth with food was the way he decided to remedy his loose tongue.
"Breaking up is hard to do."
"Neil Sedaka." Booker swallowed his food.
Erika thumped down another card. "Now, you're playing Name that Tune. You love to play games, I gather."
"Trouble in paradise, Miss Washington?"
Erika's exaggerated bat lowered her sooty lashes. When she looked at him, he saw fire in her eyes. "Not anymore."

Readers, what is that fire in Erika's eyes?

Mickie Sherwood
~~Sweet, and spicy romance – a heartbeat away! ~~ Read first chapters.

Mickie Sherwood said...

Thanks for sharing Templet's Tasty Tails with your visitors.

Mickie Sherwood
~~Sweet, and spicy romance – a heartbeat away! ~~

Anonymous said...

I love the name Mickie, too, JQ! Good to get to know Mickie through your blog. I've been enjoying your posts very much.
In answer to your question - what music helps me write? - I'd have to say - none! I need to work in complete silence! I find a lot of things a distraction, and I can't concentrate. It always used to amaze me that my children could do their homework whilst listening to loud music, texting, and watching videos - all at the same time! My brain can only cope with one thing at a time :)
Another great post. Looking forward to the next in your series.

Mickie Sherwood said...

Hi Helena,

I thought I'd chime in. Thanks for the name compliment. And I'm so glad you enjoyed the post.


J.Q. Rose said...

HI Helena, This series is proving to be so much fun for me because I am meeting new authors and discovering their books. It's been a pleasure working with so many talented folks. Looking forward to hosting "old" author friends too, like you!

J.Q. Rose said...

Mickie--I'm with Helena, no music while writing stories. But I do love music and have Pandora on almost every day. I have channels from James Taylor, Chris Botti, Boston Pops, Coldplay, Sugarland, Reba...quite a variety from jazz/blues to the oldies, and new artists too.

Thanks for sharing the excerpt in the comments. That'll gather interest for your story. Thanks so much for being my guest. So happy to meet you!

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