Wednesday, January 3, 2018

IWSG: Plan for Writing in 2018, Celebration of Chrys Fey's New Release, Flaming Crimes Mystery

Hello and welcome to the J.Q. Rose blog. 
Time for the monthly meeting of the Insecure Writers Support Group(IWSG) blog hop! 

Internet Writers Support Group Blog Hop
First Wednesday of every month.
What is IWSG? Founder of the  Insecure Writer’s Support Group and author Alex J Cavanaugh explains the group's purpose is "to share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!" You're invited to become a member of this supportive group.

The group blogs the first Wednesday of every month The list of bloggers is always available so you can hop around to the author blogs filled with humor, advice, and thought-provoking topics on writing and publishing. You can find the list of participants at Alex's IWSG page. I hope you'll take some time to visit the diverse list of bloggers.

IWSG Question for the Month
Question:  What steps have you taken or plan to take to put a schedule in place for your writing and publishing?
I plan to continue with a scheduled time every day for my writing. I learned when I was penning Deadly Undertaking a few years ago, the only way to get the story done was to sit down every day and write. I set aside 15 minutes after lunch to just write. NO Internet. The 15 minutes usually turn in to one or two hours when I am on a roll. 

This year I'll be working on a memoir about the first year we were in the flower business, so I plan to escape back to 1976 after lunch every day.

I've not made a plan for marketing other than contacting bloggers to host me on a blog tour in January and February. (Anyone have a spot for me on your blog?) 

I'm planning to create a LOT of marketing images for Facebook and other social media using That's fun for me. I haven't scheduled an appointment with myself to carry this through. Perhaps I should.

Have you made a plan for 2018? Let us know in a comment below. Thank you.
                                                                         # # # #
I am thrilled to be celebrating the release of Chrys Fey's fourth book in her Disaster Crimes series, Flaming Crimes by participating in a Blogfest. 

Chrys invited bloggers to answer this question--"What is something ridiculous you would save if there was a fire?"

She added the following note."Now, when I say ridiculous, I mean something that is important to you (something worth grabbing), but other people might find odd. After your family, pets, and important items are safe and sound (that includes anything writing related), what is the one odd thing you’d want to grab from your home?"

Flaming Crimes Blogfest
Flaming Crimes Blogfest
January 1-3-2018
My Answer--If youre' a reader, you may not think my choice is a ridiculous item to save when you are racing away from a fire.

I would save my Kindle because:
Would you save your Kindle?

1.It's small and I can grab it right off my night stand as I dash away from the approaching flames. (You can tell I'm picturing a fire in the middle of the night.)
2.I can check in on FB and email on the internet to keep in touch while I watch the firemen,women save my house.
3.I can type easily on the Kindle. (I hate typing on my phone.)
4.I'll have all of my books on hand so I can read to give me a short break from the reality of dealing with the problems a fire would bring to my life.
# # # #
Flaming Crimes by Chrys Fey
Book #4 in the Disaster Crimes Book Series
Series: Disaster Crimes #4
Page Count: 304 
Digital Price: 4.99 
Print Price: 16.99
Rating: Spicy (PG13) 


BACK OF THE BOOK: Flaming Crimes by Chrys Fey
Beth and Donovan are now happily married, and what Beth wants more than anything is a baby. Her dream of starting a family is put on hold as fires burn dangerously close and Donovan becomes a victim of sabotage.

Donovan escapes what could've been a deadly wreck. Their past enemies have been eliminated, so who is cutting brake lines and leaving bloody messages? He vows to find out, for the sake of the woman he loves and the life they're trying to build.

Amidst a criminal mind game, a fire ignites next to their home. They battle the flames and fight to keep their house safe from the blaze pressing in on all sides, but neither of them expects to confront a psychotic adversary in the middle of the inferno.

Their lives may just go up in flames…

Author Chrys Fey
About the Author: Chrys Fey is the author of the Disaster Crimes Series, a unique concept blending romance, crimes, and disasters. She’s partnered with the Insecure Writer’s Support Group and runs their Goodreads book club. She’s also an editor for Dancing Lemur Press.

Author Links:
Facebook / Twitter / Amazon

You're invited to visit the list of bloggers participating in the Flaming Crimes Blogfest by clicking the links below.. I wonder if you'll agree with the items we have chosen to save from the fire. 

Would you save your Kindle? Please leave a comment below.


The Cynical Sailor said...

Happy to host you on my blog on one of my Saturday Spotlights. Drop me a line at thecynicalsailor (at) gmail (dot) com with the details.

A Kindle sounds like a great thing to grab. I love the idea that it could serve as a nice distraction in the aftermath of a disaster.

Happy New Year - Ellen

Tamara Narayan said...

A kindle is a great choice. I wish I could remember where I left mine...

Pat Garcia said...

Happy New Year J.Q. I look forward to reading your book.
The first thing I would grab in a fire is my passport and then my iPad.
As for my goals, this year, one of my books will be on Amazon and anywhere else that books are sold.
Wishing you a great 2018.
Shalom aleichem,
Pat G

Chrys Fey said...

All we need is a good fifteen minutes to get words down. :)

Yup. When I didn't have an iPhone, I used my Kindle for everything. It's such a handy device.

Thank you for participating in my blog hop!

emaginette said...

If I don't write first thing in the morning, I don't write. So I've been strict with myself for the last few months. Funny—I can revise any time of day. :-)

Anna from elements of emaginette

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Ellen, Thanks for the offer to spotlight my book. I'll contact you soon. Happy New Year 2018 to you!!

J.Q. Rose said...

LOL Tamara. Not much of a kindle fan or just no time to read? Thanks for stopping in.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, Pat. A passport is a very good idea and of course the iPad is almost a necessity! LOL...I like how you are very positive your book will be on amazon. That's the way to get it done!!

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Chrys, it is amazing how quickly 15 minutes passes when you're into writing. Happy to be a part of the blogfest. What a great idea!
Congratulations on your new release and your successful Crimes series!

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Anna, I'm glad you've found your best time of the day for you to devote to writing. That's half the battle won. You'll see resent having an appointment or other moment that doesn't allow you your morning writing time.

Sadira Stone said...

Saving your Kindle sounds like an excellent plan. My blog only has a small readership, but I'd be glad to host you when you're ready to promote your new book. May 2018 bring you clarity, peace, and lots of writing time.

Sherry Ellis said...

Someone else mentioned wanting to save their Kindle. So you're not alone!

Anonymous said...

Hm, gotta save my cool sunglasses, of course, and my famous tweedy-weedy blazer...and, oh! My microphone, heh heh.

Cathy said...

My husband and I call our IPads our third arms. They're with us all the time and if we need an answer to a question, we just ask Siri. I have 1000+ books on my IPad, Kindle App, which means I take my library with me wherever I go.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Contact book bloggers who review memoirs, too. There's several lists at the IWSG site.

Practical would be my external hard drive, which holds everything. Ridiculous would be my Minion collection.

Sarah Foster said...

I love the idea of committing to just 15 minutes but having it be able to be longer. Something like that would probably work for me.
I'd probably want to save my Kindle, too, because I just bought a new one after my old one died. Wouldn't want to replace it again so soon!

Juneta key said...

Heh, that was my answer too. My Kindle Fire. Happy 2018
Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

Chemist Ken said...

Good to hear you're working on your marketing images. I'm sure that's one area I'll need to work on too, although I'm not particularly good with images. Then again, I wasn't particularly good with writing back at the beginning either. Have a productive 2018!

Optimus Prime said...

I would like to say that this blog really convinced me to do it! Thanks, very good post. edupeet

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