Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Boost Your Confidence to Succeed in 2018 by J.Q. Rose, Year End 50% Off Sale

Happy New Year 2018 from J.Q. Rose!
Hello and welcome to the Focused on Story blog by J.Q. Rose.

The bright and shiny New Year 2018 looms ahead with opportunities to make a change in our lives. Are you going to try to make a change, continue a helpful new habit you acquired this year, renew old relationships, make new friends, and perhaps write a new story or a novel? 
So many things to choose from. Don't overwhelm yourself. Choose something you are confident you can do.

After listening to a speaker on motivation, I realize how confidence plays a huge factor in achieving your goals, resolutions, desires.

Let's say you're determined to lose weight, stop smoking, or write a book this year. Then you must dig deep and be confident you can do it! But where do you get that confidence?

Here are some suggestions to boost your confidence:
  • Ask yourself what it would take to achieve your goal, e.g. writing. Write down specific steps to do it, not general steps. Example: I will write for 15 minutes at lunch time every day, not say I'll write every day.
  • Tackle each step to achieve your greater goal. Getting started will boost your confidence to do the next step.
  • Remember how good you felt when you  completed a story, poem, novella, an article. What did you do to make that happen?
  • Know that other people have completed a writing project. How did they do it? Use their success as your motivation to do the same. 
  • Think positive thoughts and surround yourself with those who are positive about you reaching your goal. 
  • Realize you are not perfect. If you get off track, pick yourself up, and get back on track. 
  • Do NOT Give Up.
# # # #
Having lectured you on achieving goals, I'm going to be brave and be specific in listing my goals for my writing career in 2018. I hope when I look back on January 1, 2019, I will have achieved them. Wait a minute. I mean I am confident that I achieved them!

My Writing Goals for 2018 by J.Q. Rose

1. Complete my memoir, Looking Through Rose-Colored Glasses (working title)
2. Post FB Live videos on my J.Q. Rose, Author page.
3. Gather 150 more followers who "like" my J.Q. Rose, Author page
4. Install a landing page on my website to help build an email list.
5. Plan a blog tour and visit my hosts this winter to give away prizes and shout about my latest mystery, Terror on Sunshine Boulevard.

Terror on Sunshine Boulevard
Paranormal Mystery
Click here to order at these digital stores
There they are in black and white. This makes me more accountable by sharing it with readers. I'm sure I'll be able to mark off these four items from the list as "Done!" by January 1, 2019.

Do you have goals or resolutions for 2018? If you want to share your goals with us in a comment below, please do. Thank you for your support!!

Time is running out to take advantage of Books We Love Publishing's 50% off sale on these eBooks at Smashwords. Sale ends January 1, 2018.
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If you have read these books or the new release, Terror on Sunshine Boulevard, I'd appreciate a review from you on the site where you purchased the books and/or Goodreads.

Thanks so much for your help in letting readers know about these mysteries.

Happy and blessed New Year 2018!!


Juneta key said...

Happy New Year. Wishing a joyful 2018.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year, JQ, and all the best with your writing goals! If you'd like a spot on my blog for your tour, please just let me know. You're always welcome!

Nan P said...

Excellent writing goals, JQ! You're welcome to visit HeartWood on the blog tour. As for my 2018 writing goals, my focus is generating new material, and I'm vowing to devote at least 30 minutes a day to that end. And, of course, continuing the quest for an agent or publisher to move my memoir toward publication.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Juneta, Thanks you. A happy and blessed New Year 2018 for you and yours.

J.Q. Rose said...

Helena, Thank you for the offer to host me. Yes! I'll contact you after the New Year. Have a wonderful New Year!!

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Nan, Thank you. I'd love to visit Heartwood in January. I want to see that cute bear covered in snow!!! I'll contact you after the New Year. Thanks for sharing your writing goals. I like how you said you are "vowing" to write 30 minutes a day rather than say "trying" to devote time. Vowing has more conviction. This will be the year that memoir will be published, I just know it. It's so entertaining and well-written. Don't give up!! Happy New Year to you and Ray.

Sandra Cox said...

Congratulations on the new page turner!
Wishing you much writing success in 2018.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, Sandra! Appreciate you stopping by. Wishing you writing success in the new year too!

Sandra Cox said...

Just stop by to say hey. If you want to do a book release or post at my blog just let me know. Very excited for you:)

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks, Sandra, for offering to host me. I'll be in touch soon!

Marsha said...

Hey, JQ. Good list of goals. I believe in writing them down. My post Tuesday on the Sisterhood of Suspense blog is on this subject. I've shared. :) Have a great 2018 meeting all of your goals. :)

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks, Marsha. I don't believe I have ever gone public with my goals. Hope it will keep me on track. Thanks for sharing.

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