Tuesday, May 15, 2018

The Five W's: Janet Lane Walters' Romance, the Leo-Aquarius Connection, Giveaway

Hello and welcome to the Focused on Story Blog! 
The 5 W's in Storytelling
Today I am thrilled to have multi-talented, multi-published author Janet Lane Walters here to discuss the who, what, where, when and why of her latest release from BWL Publishing, The Leo-Aquarius Connection. 

Janet will be giving away a print copy to a lucky commenter. Please leave a comment below before Sunday, May 20, 9 pm ET. Thanks so much, Janet, for your generous offer.
The Leo-Aquarius Connection (Opposites in Love Book 5)
The Leo-Aquarius Connection by Janet Lane Walters

The nurses stare as he exits the elevator on the Pediatric Unit. “Enter the handsome doctor.” Those are Doctor Caleb Winstone’s words as he steps off the elevator. Though he’s embarrassed, this Leo doctor rolls with the punches. 

He’s returned home to join an older doctor in the practice. Before long he learns the new nurse manager of the unit is a woman he knows. Of all the women in the world, she is the last one he wants to see. How can he manage to work daily with her? Before the day ends, he discovers his mother has decided who he should marry and the woman is quite willing. Not for him.

Suzanna Rollins is an Aquarian and now the guardian of her half-brother who was badly injured in a car accident. She takes the position as nurse manager of the Pediatric unit for several reasons. One is the move from the city re-unites her with college friends, the Grantley Gang. The other is for the excellent Rehab Center. On the day of her arrival, she encounters Caleb. What is he doing here and why? Can she work with the man she fell in and out of love with the night he offered her less than marriage?

Caleb’s interest in helping her half-brother gives them more together time than they imagined.

Click here to find the digital booksellers for The Leo-Aquarius Connection.

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The Five W's and How in the Leo-Aquarius Connection by Janet Lane Walters

So let me tell you a bit about the characters of The Leo – Aquarian Connection. This story is the fifth of a six book series and revolved around the lives of the members of the Grantley Gang and their friendship since they were in college studying to become nurses.
WHO – These are just the main characters but there are appearances by other of the characters in the four previous books in the series.
Suzanna Rollins has worked hard to become a nurse practitioner in Pediatrics. The offer of the nurse manager’s position at Eastlake General Hospital is a dream come true. She will be reunited with her friends from college – The Grantley Gang. She also has found a good place for her younger brother Jon, the only surviving member of her family. Jon was badly injured in an auto accident that killed the rest of the family including her mother and step-father. Suzanna is an Aquarian. For her education, family and friends are important. She fell in love once but that love shattered when the man in question offered not marriage but a place as his mistress. She has no desire for marriage.
Caleb Winstone is a pediatrician and a Leo. He is returning to his hometown to join an older pediatrician’s practice. His family, especially his mother, is unhappy with him. No Winstone man has ever chosen a career in other than business and finance. He also became a champion swimmer when he should have played football. He has another difference. Winstone men marry for money and have mistresses for love. He really doesn’t want either. But, months ago, he dated Suzanna and asked her to become his mistress. Her reaction was unlike anything he had expected and he still feels the slap like a phantom stroke against his cheek. Problem is he has finally realized he loves her but he isn’t sure he can do much of anything.
Several other characters are of importance.
Jon Rollins is Suzanna’s younger brother who was badly injured in the car accident that killed his parents and young brother and sister. He becomes the new connection between Suzanna and Caleb.
Regina Bishop is the opposing factor in the book. With the help of Caleb’s mother, she tries to trick him into marriage.
For me, the what has something to do with what the conflict is but more what each character wants when the book starts. The want undergoes changes as the characters change and their goals may change.
When the book opens, Suzanna wants to do a great job in her new position as the nurse manager of the Pediatric Unit. She also wants to see her brother’s health improve so that he can walk and live a normal life. What she does not want is to deal with Caleb Winstone but knows she must since he is a doctor on staff of her unit. She wants to deal with him only on a professional level.
When the book begins, Caleb wants Suzanna but knows he blew what could have been months ago. He knows she won’t admit there is sexual tension between them. He decides to use her brother to get to him but instead finds Jon is like a younger brother and the boy’s rapidly adeptness at swimming gives Caleb a second goal. The goals of his mother run counter to his own and he has a goal to find a way to thwart her.
The story takes place in Eastlake, an imaginary town in Pennsylvania north of Pittsburgh. This is either a small city or a very large town. Much of the action takes place in several locations, the Rehab Center located near the hospital, the Pediatric Unit of the hospital, the house that Lauren, the heroine of book two of the series bought, the stone mansion belonging to Caleb’s parents and a number of other places such as the Hot Doggery, Frank’s Place and The Pirate’s Cove as seen in the other stories of the series. Using places seen in other books is both easy and hard and one has to refresh their memories when doing this. It’s really nice to have comfortable places though.
The story is contemporary. The time of year is December and continues into January. Christmas and New Year’s Eve are part of the story. Snow is in the air and on the ground.
I wrote the story with an aim of nearing the end of the Opposites in Love series. Now there is one more of the six friends to come. I also wrote this story because a new doctor who learned I was a romance author, pulled the exam room curtain open and announced, “Enter the handsome doctor.” What else could I do but put this in a story? I also wrote this as one of my Astrological stories. Also wanted to get Christmas into a story. I enjoyed the journey. Now on to the last story in the series.
I know people think the how is the end of the book but for me, How is the roadmap I follow from the beginning to the end. This consists of a number of scenes. Each action calls for a reaction.
The opening scene of this book doesn’t show a meet between the hero and the heroine. It shows him arriving at the hospital and making his announcement. During the scene, he learns Suzanna is to become the new nurse manager. How is he going to act and react?
The meet is an important scene in the book and brings the hero and heroine together. Always an interesting scene to write. I’ll just be general here about scenes.
From the beginning, I needed to have scenes of interaction between the pair and to show some changes, maybe some good and some not so good. These scenes show sometimes one and sometimes all three of the purposes of a scene. To show character development, to show the story progressing and to create the setting for the stories.
Other important scenes are the Black Moment – this is when one or more of the characters gives up all hope.
From here, I progress to the Conclusion and since this is a romance, everyone knows what will happen. Only the how remains hidden.
Janet Lane Walters is celebrating her fiftieth year as a published author. She began with short stories and poems. She turned to novels when the short story market dwindled and an editor returned a manuscript with this comment. “This sounds like the synopsis for a novel." She has been married to a psychiatrist for sixty years and who refuses to treat her obsession with writing. She has four children, the youngest of them is an adopted biracial girl. There are seven grandchildren, four biracial and three Chinese. Her family is eclectic just like her writing since she can’t stay with a genre for more than a book or two at a time in the same area.
Find Janet online at these places:
Click here to find her multitude of books--romance, fantasy, suspense, medical

Thank you, Janet, for sharing the Five W's and How with us. 
Readers, be sure to leave a comment to win a print copy of Janet's book.

Coming Up on the Focused on Story Blog

JQ Celebrates her May birthday with giveaways and prizes for you.

May 23 - 31--JANET'S BIRTHDAY GIVEAWAY!! You're invited to Janet's birthday celebration, but YOU get the GIFT! I love giving gifts to folks, so come on back to win prizes from May 23-31st. Looking forward to blowing out the birthday candles on the cake with you. Oh, and there are a LOT of candles this year. 
The Five W's

May 30 - British author Helena Fairfax joins us as she shares the Five W's of a multi-author newly released anthology. Giveaway!! 


Erika Beebe said...

I wish you much luck with your book Janet and the month of May is a lovely month for a birthday :)

Janet Lane Walters said...

From one Janet to another Glad to visit and enjoyed the interview.

emaginette said...

Thanks for sharing your process. The book looks great. :-)

Anna from elements of emaginette

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, Erika.

J.Q. Rose said...

Glad you're here, Janet #1. Really enjoyed your post and hosting you for the week!
Janet #2

J.Q. Rose said...

Anna--Janet has a ton of stories. She's been writing for 50 years! Thanks for visiting!

Janet Lane Walters said...

Thanks to all who have visited.

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