Tuesday, June 16, 2020

3 Reasons to Create a Facebook Group #Authortoolbox Blog Hop

Hello and welcome to the Focused on Story Blog and to the Author Toolbox Blog Hop #AuthorToolboxBlogHop which meets every third Wednesday of the month to share resources and tips for authors. Thanks to Raimey Gallant for hosting this venture. 

Please join us to learn more about the craft of writing and to meet bloggers who are dedicated to helping each other become the best writers possible. Click here to visit other blog hop participants.

Why Create a Facebook Group? by J.Q. Rose

Do you have an author page on Facebook? Have you considered creating a Facebook Group Page? I opened my group in January, Telling Your Life Story and Memoirs Circle, and I'm enjoying interacting with folks who are interested in telling their life stories. Every author will have a different goal for their group.  I listed below 3 reasons why I created my group.

Why Create a Facebook Group?

3 Reasons to Create a Facebook Group:

1. Mentoring--My book,Your Words, Your Life Story: A Journal for Sharing Memories, is based on my workshops on life storytelling. The best part of the class was always the time when the participants volunteered to share a life story with us. I was amazed at the gamut of topics folks wrote about and how well they presented such emotional and funny pieces to the members; the participants also appreciated the stories which sparked memories from their lives too. Lively conversations followed the readings.  

Writing memories in the journal offers no way to share the stories with a group. So to give that supportive, interactive piece of the class, I created a Facebook group where it is possible to inspire, motivate, teach, spark memories and a place to post their writings, video or audio recording.
The closed group assures privacy and safety for those who wish to contribute. You do not have to buy my book to join the group.

2.  Author Platform--A group based on your fiction or non-fiction book is perfect for your fans. If your book is about gardening or historical romance, your group may be based on gardening or the era that is the backdrop of your story. Members get perks like unveiling the book cover, being the first to read excerpts, deciding or suggesting a character's name, offering opinions through polls, helping you with research.  Use social media to allow people to get to know, like and trust you, the author. You bet they will share about the book and about you. The members will become a "street team" who are happy to shout about you and your book.

3.  Marketing--If you haven't already realized it, being an author means you are operating a business. You are an entrepreneur with a product to sell. You wrote the book and you want folks to have the experience of reading it for entertainment, information, awareness and so many other reasons. If not, why bother to write it? 
Caution: Avoid saying "buy my book, buy my book, buy my book" every day!

Are you a member of a Facebook group? Why? 
If you have created a group, please tell us about it and why you decided to create a FB group. Please share the link below in the comments.

Thank you for visiting.  Click here to visit other blog hop participants.

I am a life storytelling evangelist. 

I want everyone to tell his/her story. 

Your life is important. 

Join the Facebook group and/or pick up the Journal or eBook to learn how to begin.

Your Words, Your Life Story: A Journal for Sharing Memories
by J.Q. Rose

Click here to join the Telling Your Life Story and Memoirs Circle Facebook group. 

Click here to order the paperback, Your Words, Your Life Story so you can begin telling YOUR life story. This book is a great gift for Father's Day!

Watch the Youtube video from self-publishing expert Dale Roberts in his interview with Facebook guru, Scott Jay Marshal II, about creating and growing a Facebook Group.

VIDEO: Grow Your Facebook Group

Photo courtesy of Canva.com
Have a fantastic Father's Day!
From JQ Rose


Dale L. Roberts said...

Great post! And, thanks for the shout-out!

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks,Dale! So happy to feature your video with this topic.

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

Those are great reasons. Any chance at all I'll listen? Hmm....

emaginette said...

Congrats on finding a way to connect. :-)

Anna from elements of emaginette

Erika Beebe said...

I really found facebooks groups useful too. Closed or private ones make it easier for others to engage and share :)

Marsha said...

Hey, JQ. You're always so inspiring with your marketing ideas. I can see how this would work for someone with a particular interest. I probably lean on the relationships from my blog and newsletter to do this more. I've named a series, the books in that series, and a stand alone book from input from blog readers. I have a couple of FB groups, but I'm a member and not the sole person running the show. Thanks for always pushing me with marketing ideas. I've shared. :)

Raimey Gallant said...

These are some pretty convincing reasons. Adding it to my marketing ideas list for down the road when I'm closer to publishing!

J.Q. Rose said...

I'm still learning.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, Erika. I enjoy FB groups too. I guess that's why I wanted to start one for my life storytellers.

J.Q. Rose said...

As I was writing this article, I realized the FB group is similar to a blog because the information is what I share on the blog,but the group is all about one topic, and I go in depth. My blog is more of a shotgun style because I have different genres of books. I hope to get more participation in the group in the future. Thanks for leaving a comment, Marsha.

J.Q. Rose said...

Go for it, Raimey! It is time consuming, but it's a long range marketing strategy.

Helena Fairfax said...

Those are great reasons, JQ, especially the idea of mentoring others through the group. FB seems a far more effective way to do this than a blog or newsletter. You have some great promo ideas.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks, Helena. My mom and grandmother were teachers. I guess I can't let go of teaching because it's ingrained in me. I love helping people tell their stories.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks, Joylene. I enjoy the group and sharing. Like I said I'm a life storyteller evangelist!! Everyone has a story.

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