Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Celebrating 50 Years of Marriage

Celebrating 50 Years!!

On Sunday, June 14th, 2020 we will celebrate our 50th, yes you read it correctly fiftieth wedding anniversary! Ted a.k.a. GT for Gardener Ted, and I have survived living as a married couple for 50 years.

Wait. Wasn't the wedding just yesterday in my home church, Atlanta United Methodist Church, in Atlanta, Illinois? 50 years is a l-o-n-g time.

I remember the weather that day. The wedding ceremony is more of a blur.  Tornadoes swirled through our area, but we were determined to get a tape recorder in place so we could have a keepsake of our wedding. Sounds easy, but as I recall, nothing goes right when you're in a time crunch with a big storm whirling down upon you.

Ted lived four miles away and had to get back home to change into his tux a.k.a. morning suit. However, Mother Nature had other ideas. Torrents of rain and powerful winds greeted us as we opened the church door to leave. We were trapped in the church waiting for a clearing so we could dart out and into our cars to get home and back again before 4:oo pm.

I prayed the storms on our wedding day did not portend a stormy marriage. The good news is the tornadoes did not stop the ceremony or reception in the church basement. As we left on our honeymoon, driving to Champaign, Illinois for our first night as husband and wife, the skies cleared to see a gorgeous sunset through the car's front window. I took this as a promising sign that our life together would be a good one.

 We have weathered many storms for fifty years, but we also had sunny skies and gentle breezes mixed in with those dark days. Isn't that life? We can expect ups and downs. We rejoice through the ups and move on through the downs, knowing we will come out okay, eventually.

June 14, 1970
Okay, I may be prejudiced, but isn't that the cutest guy in this wedding picture? I loved him when I married him, but I love him even more now. It's a mature love, not the rose petals and butterflies kind in our early marriage. Precious love that grows through time.

Okay. I won't get all squishy and teary talking about our marriage. The whole point of this blog post is to explain why I am having a terrible time writing the book dedication for my upcoming memoir, Arranging a Dream. I am dedicating it to Ted. How do I encapsulate 50 years of living into one sentence in the dedication?

Please take a peek at what I have so far, then leave a comment below with any suggestions you have for me. Thank you!!

Dedication to my husband

Interview at Michigan author Donald Levin's website.
This week, I'm visiting talented mystery author Donald Levin, a fellow Michigander who is featuring Indie authors on his website. Click here to discover how I know I am truly "famous."
Summer Readers Circle is back!
We are gearing up for the Summer Readers Circle every fourth Thursday through September. Guest authors will share their books and why they wrote them. You are welcome to interact with the author via the comment section. Go ahead and ask away. And yes! There will be gifts awarded during the series. Please join us.

Summer Readers Circle kicks off June 23

Readers Circle Guest Authors

June 23  Diane Bator
July 28   Reed Stirling
Aug 25  Tricia McGill
Sept 22  Helen Henderson

Sign up below to receive your June edition of the Rose Courier

A Special Edition of The Rose Courier will be delivered to your inbox this Friday by your favorite news gal. Sign up now to get all the news and tidbits from J.Q. Rose!  

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Juneta key said...

Congratulations, Janet! Happy Anniversary. HUGS! Hope you have a wonderful celebration and many, many, many, many, more...

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Congrats on 50 years! That is quite the accomplishment. It might have been stormy weather that day, but it did make your wedding day memorable.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, Juneta. The weather forecast for the celebration looks great!

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks, Diane. Memorable indeed!

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

Congratulations! Wishing you both all the best! :)

Helena Fairfax said...

Congratulations to you both, JQ. It's a lovely photo. I love the train on your dress! And Ted looks very handsome in his suit. You had a memorable day, and I hope you have a memorable anniversary - but without the storms! Very best wishes xxxxx

Helen Henderson said...

Congrats. Great photo. We celebrated our 47th this year (or rather didn't celebrate due to Covid lockdown). Hoping for better 2021.

Susan Bernhardt said...

Happy 50th Anniversary! You both look beautiful!

It's a wonderful dedication for your memoir. <3

Marsha said...

Congratulations on 50 years, JQ. Definitely an accomplishment. Love the pic of you and Ted. The dedication is spot on. You did good.:) I'm sharing. :)

J.Q. Rose said...

40 is a good #. The next 10 years will fly by.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you. A beautiful day is ahead. Sunny and 69 degrees. Perfect for the family cookout.

J.Q. Rose said...

Congrats on #47! Yes, our plans changed due to covid.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, Susan. I'm sure I'll be tweaking it unti I do the final edit!

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks, Marsha. Spot on sounds good. 😁

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