Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Mother's Day and Family Time #mothersday #family


Happy Mother's Day to all the moms and grandmoms  

and to all those who have been a guiding light to a child.


I don't usually share photos of my family. But I believe an exception can be made because   Mother's Day is this Sunday. 

My Clan

I have to admit this photo is 6 years old. This was before girlfriends, before leaving the nest for college, jobs, marriage (yes, my grandson will be married in June!), and before my granddaughter was a teen-ager. 

The picture makes me smile. It captures a wonderful time. So forgive me if I feel a bit sad that the kids are growing up. The little boy in front graduates from high school in 2 weeks and will be going off to college this fall. The little girl will be in high school next year. 

It is a bittersweet experience for me. I am a bit sad missing those good old days when the kids were little but looking ahead to future days filled with happiness and new adventures with them.

The years skim by too quickly, don't they? I wish I could have captured those days that are behind us and put them in a bottle like Jim Croce's song, Time in a Bottle. 


VIDEO: Time in a Bottle by Jim Croce

YouTube Video: Time in a Bottle performed by Jim Croce


Have a wonderful Mother's Day whether you are near or far from your loved ones.
Blowing kisses to you all.

How will you spend Mother's Day? Please leave a comment below. 

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Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

My mother is gone, so outside of going to church, it won't be any different that day.
Kids do grow fast. I recently realized my nephew is almost forty and wondered how on earth that happened.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Memories and photos will help preserve those moments.

J.Q. Rose said...

Alex--Mother's Day can be a painful day for those who have lost their mothers. Hopefull memories of her will brighten the day.

J.Q. Rose said...

Diane--Precious memories and photos are cherished treasures.

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