Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Recipes 'n Reads series with Classical Historical Romance Author Rosemary Morris and a Curry Recipe #recipesandreads


Recipes 'n Reads Series
Guest author Rosemary Morris

I am thrilled to have my friend and talented author, Rosemary Morris, return this month to share her recipe and book on the Recipes 'n Reads series, scheduled every third Wednesday of the month. Rosemary brings one of her favorite family recipes, Spinach, Peas, and Paneer (Curd Cheese) Curry.

Rosemary is a gardener so of course her recipe uses veggies from her homegrown garden. My hubby, Gardener Ted, raises vegetables every year for our table, so I appreciate the work and the delicious harvest when gardening. 

Rosemary said, "I enjoy organic gardening, and grow herbs, fruit, vegetables and ornamental trees, shrubs and flowers.  Even when there are thick frosts on the ground, I have some homegrown produce in the garden – Swiss chard, New Zealand spinach, curly kale, red kale & parsnips.  I store homegrown carrots and turnips in my garden shed and have a shelf of homemade jam, pickle and chutney in the kitchen."

Spinach, Peas, and Paneer (Curd Cheese) Curry  

Serves four served with chapattis, other flat breads, or rice. 

Preparation 30 minutes.




Two bags of fresh baby spinach.

Eight ounces cooked fresh or frozen peas.

One packet paneer (Indian curd cheese) available from Indian groceries and supermarkets

Vegetable cooking oil to deep fry the paner.

Three Tbsp vegetable cooking oil

Two level dessert spoons of finely grated fresh ginger.

One chili (optional)

Salt to taste

Four lemons cut into quarters.


Cut the paneer into half inch cubes. Deep fry until they are light brown. Put them in water to keep them moist.


Microwave spinach or cook in a little water. Shred the spinach. Remove the stalks from fresh spinach, shred the leaves and wash them and cook in a little boiling water with salt to taste. Drain and squeeze out excess water.


Return spinach to the saucepan and simmer the spinach with the fresh or frozen peas until they are cooked or defrosted.


Stir fry the fresh ginger or minced ginger paste and chili on a low heat. Add the spinach, peas and paneer and stir well.


Serve hot with chapatis, other flat bread or rice and squeeze lemon juice over each serving.


This curry is suitable to deep freeze.

Far Beyond Rubies by Rosemary Morris
Classical Historic Romance

 Back of the Book: Far Beyond Rubies

Set in 1706 during Queen Anne Stuart’s reign, Far Beyond Rubies begins when William, Baron Kemp, Juliana’s half-brother claims she and her young sister, Henrietta, are bastards. Spirited Juliana is determined to prove the allegation is false, and that she is the rightful heiress to Riverside, a great estate.

After Gervaise’s wife died, on his way to deliver a letter to William, Gervaise sees Juliana for the first time The sight of her draws him back to India. When “her form changed to one he knew intimately – but not in this lifetime,” Gervaise knows he would do everything in his power to protect her.

Although Juliana and Gervaise are attracted to each other, they have not been formally introduced and assume they will never meet again. However, when Juliana flees from home and is on her way to London, she encounters quixotic Gervaise at an inn. Circumstances force Juliana to accept his kind help. After Juliana’s life becomes irrevocably tangled with his, she discovers all is not as it seems. Yet, she cannot believe ill of him for, despite his exotic background, he behaves with scrupulous propriety while trying to help her find evidence to prove she and her sister are legitimate.


Theme and Plot

The theme and plot for Far Beyond Rubies were inspired by non-fiction about the East India Company, when its ambitious employees, including very young ones, hoped to return to England with a fortune.

When Fourteen-year-old Gervaise Seymour was sent to establish trade in North India. His only communication with the company was by messenger.   Some men in his situation became Muslims. Gervaise did not, but he married a Hindu lady and respected her culture and religion. During a discussion, a brahmin remarked that the commandment in The Bible, ‘Thou shalt not kill,’ did not only refer to human beings. It made such a profound impression on him that he adopted a vegetarian diet.

Click here to download Far  Beyond Rubies at your favourite bookstore

* * * *

About Rosemary Morris

People are surprised by the amount of time needed to write and research my classic historical romances.

The more I read about the eras my novels are set in, the more fascinated  I become, and aware of the gulf between the past and present. Those who lived in the past shared the same emotions as we do, but their attitudes and way of life were different in many ways, An example is the social position and treatment of women and children in bygone ages. For example, in the middle ages a husband was legally allowed to beat his wife with a cane no thicker than his thumb.

Author Rosemary Moss

 My characters are of their time, not men, women and children dressed in costume who behave like 21st-century people. 

Researching my chosen eras, sparks my imagination. The seeds of my novels are sown, and from them come the themes, plots, characters and events which shape their lives.

 In the morning I check my e-mails then write from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. On most days, between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. I deal with various ‘writerly’ matters I post on face book, interact with face book friends, participate in an online constructive critique group, and much more.

I enjoy arts and crafts and find a time to knit, embroider or work on my patchwork quilt.

Prior to Covid, I visited the local sports centre where I swam before relaxing in the sauna, steam room and jacuzzi.  On other days, I try to find time to go for a walk round the green backed by woodland behind my house, where according to season, I pick blackberries, elderberries, sloes and gather mushrooms.

I treasure time spent with my family, most of whom live near me. I have close relationships with my grandchildren, who are between 21 and 14 years old. When we get together, we still play Monopoly and other games.

Life has some ups and downs but I am blessed.

Connect online with Rosemary

BWL Publishing  



Rosemary's website www.rosemarymorris.co.uk

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Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

A curry without curry added to it - I could eat that.
Congratulations, Rosemary!

Natalie Aguirre said...

This sounds like a great recipe I'd enjoy. And it looks so much simpler to make than some Indian recipes. And that's great that you take the time to research the eras for your stories.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I love spinach. I've love to try that.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks, Alex

J.Q. Rose said...

Natalie, Rosemary is very thorough in her research. I love how she used the old words from the era.

J.Q. Rose said...

Diane, Go for it!! Thanks for stopping by.

Helena Fairfax said...

Good to meet you here, Rosemary. I love the sound of your curry recipe, and your garden sounds wonderful. I hope you're enjoying the new shoots of spring!

Glen Alison said...

"jqrose" could be a username or a reference to something specific, but without further context, I'm not sure how to address it. If you could provide more details or clarify your question, I'd be happy to help!abogado de accidentes de camiones

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