Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Tips and Topics for Writers: This is the Way to Increase Followers and Views on Facebook #tipsforwriters #facebooktips, #recipeseries


Tips and Topics for Writers

Hello and Welcome to the Focused on Story Blog by J.Q. Rose!

We are wrapping up the spring season today on the Focused on Story blog and will move on to a new guest author series in July. Curious? Keep reading.

I have a few more tips to share with you. Well, really I have a ton of tips for you. If you ever have questions about blogging, writing, publishing and/or marketing, please feel free to email me at jqrose02 at gmail dot com and ask away!

I am celebrating! I have reached 500+ followers on my Facebook page! Woot woot!! Thank you to all who support me here on the blog and on Facebook and my newsletter.

I have more traffic and views than I have ever had. Don't get the idea though that the more followers you have, the more books you will sell. Facebook isn't for selling books, according to those in the know. It's a good way to get your name known. Have you heard that people have to see an ad at least 7 times before they will click on it. Not necessarily buy though. Unfortunately.!!!

So how did I increase followers and views? I began using the Planner page on my FB business page in the Meta Business Suite. I love it. I can sit down and make up my blog posts for the week in a couple of hours. FB takes care of the rest. I also like seeing how people are engaging with the topic on the post. Sometimes I am overwhelmed by the response to a dumb picture or disappointed when there is little reaction to a post I built around one of my books. 

I go with the advice given by social media experts not to be shouting out buy my book, buy my book, but rather do one sales pitch out of 5 posts. And don't make them all memes you share from another page. 

Hope this helps! 

In case you missed one of the Tips and Topics, click the links below to catch up.


Now for the News 
about what will be featured on the third Wednesday of the month-- 
Beginning July19!!

Bites and Books Series
Love food and new recipes?
Love to Read? 

Then come by every Wednesday when an author will share their favorite recipe and the story behind why she chose that particular one for you. Plus the author will also introduce you to one of her books. Find favorite authors and new-to-you authors and their amazing books.
I can't wait to discover new recipes and more books to add to my TBR!

C ya' on July 19!

 TIP: If you are an early bird, the post will go live on Tuesday evening, July 18!!!)

The Rose Courier
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Filled with photos, updates, new book releases and more!

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Click here to visit more Insecure Writers Support Group members 
participating in this month's IWSG Blog Hop!

Click here to follow me on Facebook at J.Q. Rose, Author.

Thank you for stopping by today. 

1 comment:

Natalie Aguirre said...

Thanks for the tip. That's awesome your Facebook followers are increasing. I'll try to remember your tip if I ever create a Facebook author page.

And your new feature sounds fun.

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